
What the h** annoying?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, this is getting on my effing nerves. If I just say a little bitty thing, people are all like "YOU STUPID MUSLIM B*TCH".

I mean, are you serious? What does my religion have to do with anything? Why do you care if I'm Muslim or not?

I mean geeze, do people just not have any better insults? Is that the best they've got? Why are people so ignorant? I even see people in their 20's and 30's do this, and even I don't do this, and I'm barely 14. GROW UP!

So the question is, why the h**l do people do this?




  1. its like you said, some people are ignorant and close minded. i guess the reason some people do this is b/c they think they can hurt you by calling you that. in reference of what happened in 2001 in NY. people can be cruel and stupid. you just have to be better than them :)

  2. he obviously isn't fond of muslims. so to him, that's an insult. for instance if you looked down on being overweight, you might say "dumb fat bit*h" to a chubby girl.  

  3. it happens, but don't get offended

    you're a muslim and you should be proud of that

    im proud of what i am

    i think its the nature of the world, apart from that- i dont know why that happens

  4. What is an example of what your are saying that is provoking such a response?  How do they know you are Muslim?

    Edit:  Looks like you have some enemies.  Maybe you said something in a previous question that pissed somebody off, I don't know.  Regardless, it is ignorant and uncalled for.  I'd just ignore those people and report them when they give answers like this, as they are personal attacks completely unrelated to the question.

  5. I followed your link and saw many decent answers and only one nasty one, so somehow I don't think this is a "people are all like" situation. I would have to see more examples to be able to give you a better answer. Can you give us any?  

  6. You seem to be mixing with some very RUDE people.. These idiots have no respect for you so you should have ZERO respect for them.

    Just respect yourself  and you will go far.

    PS If that's you in the photo, you look a lot older than14!


  8. Just ignore him. People associate being Muslim with terrorism all the time. It's just ignorance. They don't know that they are normal people with beliefs just like everyone else.

  9. just ignore them especially that one guy enou dnt let them get to yur nerves nd they think yur muslim cause of yur name right?? well tc

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