
What the h**l was that?

by  |  earlier

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Have the truck race on, what the frack was up with that national anthem? That sounded like a cat in heat.




  1. Well it might have been better than Roseanne's rendition in '92. Which isn't saying much.

  2. I dont know but it ticked my dog off. My Beagle started howling! No kiddin.

  3. You should not talk about her like that. She did better than I could. + she is my grandmother

  4. HAHAHAH yea it did

  5. dang i didnt see it, ill have to look for a u-tube video in a few days or so, i gotta see this. crackin glass and makin dogs cry.....that sounds pretty bad.

  6. I cannot believe they still let ignorant ya-hoo's do that. Especially with D-Day. NASCAR owes veterans everywhere an apology !!!

  7. I felt so embarrassed for the woman. She got the last hanging note wrong but held it for as long as she could regardless.  I was scrambling for my remote.

  8. I hate when people make the song their own.  Don't mess with it, it is our anthem.   Just sing it as it was written (well, sort of, since it was originally a poem, but I think everyone knows what I mean).

    Oh, and singing over a track... Yuck!

  9. the worst i've ever heard

    she should be fined or jailed

  10. OMG, was the worse cat I've ever heard in heat...heck I had to change channels,  this was unbearable, and she is suppose to be a singing sensation..YIKES not gonna be buying her music.....Let the National Anthem be sung like it suppose to be sung, it doesn't need fancy ears still hurt.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  11. That poor woman.  UGH.  The innvocation and national anthem are my favorites in the  prerace show. But sometimes they do make me cringe.  Though not as bad as a chaplain reading his prayer off of a file card.

  12. i think they're going to have to delay the start so the crews can check for cracks in the windshields, and the drivers can check for cracks in the visors of their helmets.

  13. I know! She SUCKED!;...

  14. Don't tell me she was supposed to pause for 30 seconds there near the end? It was tv went out at the end and hasn't came back on. However I got it recorded just in time, that way if any intruders ever came in I could scare em away.

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