
What the h*ll is Sarah Palin doing attacking Obama on EXPERIENCE?

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last i checked even he had a higher position than her and MUCH more experience than her. how hypocritical.




  1. you need to do some more research, you are missing a lot.

  2. Dirty politics is the answer!

  3. Well, shes just trying to make herself look even more glorified than she already is. She already has all the religion n***s, and the "pro lifers".

    Goodbye USA, hello Soviet States of America.

    hah; what a vision.

  4. Because Obama is a fat r****d, filled with lies.

    McCain 08

  5. beats me. im still shocked of her nude photos floating around the internet. yuk. she looks better with her clothes on.

  6. Palin has actual experience, as well as actual accomplishments.  Meanwhile, Obama has done zip.  

  7. Haha I know!!  

  8. Sadly, the top of both tickets and one ticket has nothing but sitting Senators, a class that Americans are reluctant to award the Presidency.

    In the entire history of the country, only 2 sitting Senators have ever been elected to the office. It's not a breeding ground for leaders as we generally view Senators as good talkers but weak actors.

    No doubt the nation, this time, will be led by a Senator moving directly to the Presidency. I just don't believe the American people will see fit to elect the ticket that has 2 of them. Seems outrageously counter-productive if what you seek is reform from the status quo.

    If I could, I'd put the non-Senator at the top of one ticket and put the opposing Senate duo where they belong, in the Senate, where they can torment only their own constituents and each other.

  9. Sorry, but a Governor is higher on the food chain than a senator.  

  10. Because that's what they do. Honestly I don't think either one has much more experience then they other. She has very little, yet at least some, executive experience. He on the other hand has longer experience in politics in general, but none at an executive level. She governs although the largest states, not a very populated one, and not yet for even 2 years. Before she was mayor of a town that has less residents then some NY high rises have employees. On experience it's a draw.  

  11. A mayor or a governor, when faced with a problem that needs a decision, does not have the option of "present."

  12. She has more experience being a smart ask!

  13. Truth hurts

  14. I would say she did a d**n good job She made him look foolish every was laughing at him and you his supporter

  15. EXACTLY....she is a total moron....

  16. Check again, she just handed him his ticket OUT OF THE ELECTIONS.

  17. exactly!

  18. She ran a government with an $11 billion budget.  

    He organized something.

  19. i have a simple answer for you....... Winning!

  20. USA has too many lawyers and crooks...toss all the bums out, give the land back to the Indians and turn the lights off.

  21. because she can.

  22. She has as much or more REAL responsibility and experience as B.O. And case you don't know...she's not the one running for President.  

  23. Does he have a higher position? She's a governor and he's a state senator. Governor has the power to veto and pass laws. Governor can call up the national guard in emergencies, senator  can't. Governor submits the budget.  Governor has much higher power than a state senator. Simple stuff. And does he have more experience than her. Half his time has been spent campaigning. The biggest decision he's ever made was whether he wanted onions on his hot dog.

    Bottom line


  24. She has every right to, and you have no right to take that ability away from her, do you have executive experience? I know I don't.

    Sarah Palin has executive experience. Obama, or Biden and even john McCain do not. It's very easy to understand if you open your mind just a little.

    She was the Mayor and the Governor of a State, and that meant that all responsibility was on her as the "Leader of that State."

    Obama shared the U.S. Senate with 100 others who together garnered a whopping 13% approval rating. So if you want to bank on his higher position for 6 months where he did nothing, over Sarah Palin's executive experience for 2 years where she held her own against entrenched politics, which she won from an incumbent Democrat; where she was personally accountable to her constituents for her actions as the "Leader" of the State of Alaska, which trumps Obama's State Senate position where he challenged no one and risked nothing that would affect his goal of running for President, then I would say stop believing the hype.

    Obama is not qualified to be President. Sarah Palin has more experience, and the wonderful point they made tonight is that the Presidency is not where Barack Obama should be getting on the Job training.

  25. Because she has something Obama, Biden, and Mccain don't have.

    Executive experience running a whole state and also real life experience with the Energy Crisis.  While she was in Alaska, working on America's Oil Crisis, Obama has been doing nothing but talking and voting present or voting absent.

    Face it, the truth is slowly leaking out about him... all you have to do is pull his voting record to see how serious he is about his job.

    Have a good day.

  26. Obama has served 143 days in Congress and almost 100% of his votes have neither been "yes" or "no," they've been "PRESENT" because he can't make decisions.

    He has never governed a city or state, but he's been a "community organizer."  

    Sarah Palin has been Mayor of a city and Governor of a state.  Her experience FAR outshines Obama's and she isn't even running for president!

    Obama is nothing but empty rhetoric!


  27. You are just eating up everything the media  tells you. He has never sponsored a single bill in the senate and has voted present on 130 times he is not a leader he does what he thinks will get him elected not what he thinks is right. Do what you say and say what you do thats what I say you can't trust a person who changes thier stance with the wind.

  28. Saying Palin has more experience than Obama is just ridiculous. On the logic of executive experience, that makes her more experienced than McCain.

    And how can you account 1.5 years ( with a quarter of that on Maternity leave) as true experience? It takes that long to just to get to learn all the ropes.

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