
What the **** is handball? is it like wallball?

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What the **** is handball? is it like wallball?




  1. its a dying art.

    that hardly anyone plays anymore.

    but my blue handball is a prized possession of mine.

    I'm wondering how it got to have its own category on Y!A because I'm thinking more people play donkey basketball than handball

    and thats saying something.

    donkey basketball is also like dead.

    dangggg. all the fun and/or dangerous sports seem to disappear.



  2. i thought handball was the sport everyone played in elementary school...until i read everyones explanations hehe.

  3. I have no freakin' clue....hahahahaha!!!

  4. Handball is a game you play with a ball the size of a tennis ball (usually softer). The player hits it against the wall like you would in squash or racquetball. There is usually another player and they alternate hitting the ball against the wall. They play until someone misses the ball. The person who didn't miss gets the point. They play up to a certain number of points to win. Handball is traditionally played on the streets or playgrounds and against walls of buildings.

  5. idk.

  6. i have no clue LOL

  7. its like hand pole ... but a bit lower

  8. Handball is a sport much like Raquetball. Instead of using a Racket though, you use your hands which have only the protection of a thin layering of glove. It's really fast paced and a really good way to burn some calories.

    I go to college at Missouri State University and we've won 9 of the last 15 National Championships.

    If you would like to learn more, youtube handball.

  9. Raquetball without the raquet only using your hand

  10. Handball is a game coming from Germany

    there's 7 players in each team. the field is a 20mx40m rectangle. there's goals on each side.

    players play with a leather ball twice the size of a tennis ball

  11. Im saying the same thing in my head.

    They Top Awnserer has 11 BEST AWNSERS IN THE CATOGORY!


  12. its kinda lame all you do is hit the ball against the wall

  13. The category is sadly ambiguous.

    There are at least two kinds of games called handball.

    The first one I was aware of - and the older version, I believe - is basically raquetball without a raquet.  The players wore leather, padded gloves - played basically on a raquetball court - and hit the ball with their hands.  The inside game is played with four walls - you can find outdoor games with just three walls.  They played it in the movie BIG with Tom Hanks.  They play it at Venice Beach in LA.

    A newer game called Handball is a team sport.  In the US, anyways, it is usually referred to (to the extent that it is referred to at all) as "Team Handball."  It is like soccer - or water polo - or lacross, sorta.  It is played indoors on a court about the size of a basketball court.  The teams have about seven players - and a goalie? - or is the goalie one of the players, I forget.  Anyways, it is uses a ball like a little smaller than a volleyball.  You can dribble the ball - but only twice.  You can take two steps after dribbling - about one step more than allowed in basketball.  There is alot of passing.  Also, since there is an offensive player exclusion zone around the goal - there is alot of passing along the perimeter of the shooting zone - kind of like water polo or lacrosse - trying to set up a player who can avoid a defender and take an open shot.  The player taking the shot can run and jump into the zone, provided that he releases the ball before landing.  The goal is a rectangular net goal - like a soccer goal but smaller.

    I first played this game in 1975 when I attended High School in Germany for one year as an exchange student.  It was already an established sport there.  It is an Olympic sport and has been for some time.  It's really a quite exciting and fast game.

  14. no dude handball is a ggame kind of like soccer but instead of kicking you dribble and you can't go into the goalie's boundry. the ball is almost the size of a volleyball. trust me i've been playing for quite sometime

  15. yes you are right

  16. i have no clue, i just wanted to see if any questions were asked EVER ??

  17. hahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha i agree this sport sucks @$$

  18. Yeah it's like wallball

  19. you guys should invite your friends over so you'll get more people in your category.

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