
What the is handball?

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this is dumb (nerds)




  1. Handball involves two or four players (singles or doubles), a ball, durable hands and a few walls. Although there are variations in the size of court (60 feet x 30 feet and 40 feet x 20 feet) and in the nature of the ball used, the basic object of the game is to defeat your opponent in a contest requiring speed, agility, guile and skill. Handball is like squash without the rackets, with the players striking the tiny ball against the front wall (later using the other walls), in the hope that they will place it where it eludes their opponent and thus deliver another point to the player who has "served".

  2. handball is a game similar to tennis but without a net, but a wall. you can play one on one or 2 on 2. a player smacks the ball, which is usually dark blue and a little smaller than a tennisball, and, like tennis, its only allowed to bounce once before your opponent can hit it back against the wall. then it goes back and forth until somebody messes up and points are scored.

    its popular in nyc where playgrounds usually have a handball court which is just a big wall and some lines in front of it similar to a tennis court. i used to play when i was in high school. its fun and the equipment doesn't cost much. you can usually buy a ball at any corner store in nyc.

  3. Its a sport quite frankly noone cares about it but yet has its own section. YEAH!

  4. Okay, there are 2 different kind of handball, 1 of them i think some1 alrdy mentioned, but there is another 1 which is much better and i dont want you to thing is crappy sport.. trust me its alot of fun, usally played in new york city, united states

    okay so this is what it is:

    1) there is a wall

    2) there is a ball, a little smaller than a tennis ball, and softer  and bouncier,

    3) you take the ball and hit it with the palm of your hands towards the wall and it come backs you hit it again. you can spin the ball u can do all sorts a thing with the palm of yer hands that you never thought u can do.. :D trust me its cool

    4) on the ground there are outlines on the end of the wall going parallel to each other: ill try to make something looking like that:



    l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I

    l~~~~~~P~~~~ P ~ l

    l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l

    l~ S~~~~S~~~~~~~l

    l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l

    5) The way it looks right now is as if you were looking at the wall from above, from the sky, anyways so the 2 lines going horizontal ont he top which is stright is the top of the wall, think it as 3d and imagine the front of the wall okay so now you c the wall, now, the line going vertical is the outline, the P and S are the people playing on the court, right now they are playing a doubles 2 on 2.

    6) the Ps hit the ball against the wall, and the S have to hit the ball back on the wall before 2 bounces on the ground... so they can hit it in 1 bounce or directly while the ball is in air. and so now the Ps have to hit it than the S so on so fourth

    7) suppose the Ps serve it and the ball bounces 2 times, this means the Ss couldnt hit it in time, meaning they couldnt hit it within 1 bounce, this means the Ps get 1 point

    8) but suppose the S"s do hit it and the P's mess up because they couldnt hit it in 1 hit, now the P#1 that was serving the ball has to give it to the other P#2, now p#2 serves it and if the Ps mess up again the S's serve and the same rule goes for the S's

    9) another way to lose a serve or even lose a point is if you hit the ball and it goes outside the outlines... so if your serving and you hit it outside the outline you lose the serve... but if your serving and the oppposite team hits it outside the outline than they lose a point...

    10) anyways thats the overall view for doubles... singles is almost the same but a little different... this game is alot like tennis but yer playing against the wall

    Hope i helped you understand quiet a bit.... there ARE more rules to the game and more concepts and stuff, but you wont know them until you actually play and learn the game.... there you go PEACE have fun


    I understand i wrote alot but, i tried best as i could to explain, im not a good teacher anyways :( srry..

  5. do you know what racquetball is?  Well take the racquetts out of their hands amd hit the ball with the hands......

  6. wel its a stupid spot play cricket or baseball hope this helped:)

  7. handball is a mix with soccer and American football that's only one I know theirs another one which I don`t know the rules of

  8. you get a hand and a ball and you throw the hand and hit against the wall with the ball

  9. it is a team sport where two teams of seven players each (six players and a goalkeeper) pass and bounce a ball trying to throw it in the goal of the opposing team.

    The game has a goal similar to but smaller than the one in football (soccer), though as the name implies, the basic method of handling the ball involves the players' hands rather than their feet. The game has been played internationally since the 1920s.

  10. no idea why it has its own section.
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