I'm 13 and my entire life I've have super thick hair, to the point where I had to thin it out so I could comb it, but in april I shaved my head as a dare, and its growing back, and it feels somewhat thinner, especially in the crown area. My Dad went bald in his late teens and is balding very badly [he's 40], and his dad had very thin hair his whole life, but my mom has really thick hair and her dad didnt lose his hair until his 40s or 50s. I' afriad I'm balding, but my mother says I'm crazy because you cant bald 13, I wanted to get rogaine but she wont allow me too because she says it has bad chemicals in it, what do I do? Will I go bald? I dont want because I like my hair long, and long hair with a bald spot isnt good.