
What the purpose of yahoo 360 , how i can use it?

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What the purpose of yahoo 360 , how i can use it?




  1. I woundn't waste my time.They are about to shut it down and work on Yahoo MASH.

  2. It's a blog site. You can use it to share picture, likes, dislike, and keep a kind of journal. However they are supposed to be shutting down 360 soon and starting a new site. You may want to wait until that is up and going. It's a lot of fun. I've had mine for 2 years.

  3. It's like myspace and friendster, but mellower. Just set it up and start adding friends and connecting with people.

  4. Technically, if you have a Yahoo ID, then you already have 360. It's one of Yahoo's free services that involves social networking and combines many Yahoo! services into one area.  It stays dormant until you activate it. Check out an old press release that explains "What is Yahoo! 360?": . More people are using 360 now to find and meet new people.

    While logged into a yahoo service (mail, answers, whatever), type in your web browser's address field (or just type 360 in a Yahoo! toolbar). Start creating your 360 space from there. Click the BIG YELLOW "Get Started" BUTTON on the far right section of that page!

    ////You should be able to do the following to get into your 360 space, when you've activated your 360:

    - LOG OUT of all Yahoo services

    - Go to

    - Click the teeny tiny "Sign-in" link on the upper left of the page. After signing in, the page refreshes and you should click on the teeny tiny "Yahoo 360 Home" link on the upper right of the page to get into the 360 space.////

    For more details on how to set up elements of your 360 space, see . Keep in mind that 360 is a beta service, so there are many bugs. If you have problems, check the Answers area or see my Starred Questions section in my Y/A profile.

    Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. See for more details.However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about glitches.

    IMPORTANT!: Thoroughly read the 360 COMMUNITY GUIDELINES at .

    Check out some public 360 pages: .

    For MORE TIPS see my starred posts by clicking on my avatar and scrolling down to click on my "Starred Questions" tab.

    NOTE: Some features are not available to users under age 18 for safety reasons. Good luck! Welcome to 360!

  5. i just created one for the purpose of viewing my avatar fully

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