
What the "LHC" concern?When we can go to watch it and where?

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What the "LHC" concern?When we can go to watch it and where?




  1. Some people think it's going to destroy the world.  They don't know much about physics.  Or physicists - we like the world.  

    The LHC is being built in Europe, and you can't just go and watch.  But the first results will be out in a year or so.

  2. The Large Hadron Collider also called CERN is a particle accelerator, similar to Fermilab in Chicago but much larger.

    It is still under construction underground in France and Switzerland so you can’t see it yet. Visitors are not allowed.

    There is some concern among non-scientists that they may create a microscopic black hole at that facility. Black Holes give off Hawking radiation and the smaller they are, the more it gives off until it disappears.

    If it were possible to make one, they would have to perform their experiments very quickly because the black hole would evaporate immediately.

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