
What the the important rules in volleyball that new players should know?

by  |  earlier

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i need to know how the team rotates and other rules becuase i'm trying out. also, what is the step pattern for spikes?




  1. Rules you might not know?

    1. You only get 1 toss per serve, unlike tennis, you mess up your toss for serve, you dont get to do it again.

    2. Ball can go off any part of your body - when i was a newbie, i missed a few volley and the ball end up hitting my foot and keeping play alive - pretty funny.

    3. You can go under the net to the other side to save a ball on second ball. - i dont know how to explain it.

    In terms of steps, if you are right handed, then your approach should be left foot foward, then right foot foward, crouch, then spring up with both feet and hip. Hope that helps :)

  2. first and foremost self disipline. its all start in self disipline.

  3. Here are the rules.  You can read them for yourself:

    Here are some drills you can study:


  4. lol i've been playing for like 8 weeks, all i know is call for the ball >>>mine, in, out, short (if it's not even going to get over the net when the other team serves). i just had my game, we lost like 45 to 72...yay lol. leave the second ball for the setter (unless that's u...then go 4 it) if you are the setter and there's no way you can get to the second ball in time call out HELP for your teammates to help you out. when you first start, focus on underarm serving. if you're serious about playing, buy some knee pads so you can skid on the ground to hit the ball. don't stress and always hit the ball up high! hope this helps. um also, the step pattern for spikes is step (forward on one leg) together (so that your feet are together) and then you JUMP. generally you rotate clockwise unless it's a swing (where the server moves up to the net so the person at front left position rotates anti clockwise along with the other two people behind) LOL confusing i know

  5. 0> The volleyball court on each side of the net is 30ft by 30ft.

    1> When a team wins a rally, all six players rotate clockwise, and the playing rotating into the rear-right position serves.

    2> When serving, the player has to be hitting the ball behind the end line. You can serve with under-hand, or over-hand, with or without part of your arm.

    3> Each team can hit up to three times with the third hit sending the ball back to its opponent's court. One player cannot hit the ball twice consecutively. Contact to the ball when blocking does not count towards the above mentioned three-hit.

    4> Players can hit the ball with any body part, but a penalty will be enforced if anyone on-purposely kicks the ball into the opponent's court (or hit any opponent's player).

    5> It is NOT allowed to penetrate the net plane under the net. You can run around the net pole to hit the second hit for a save, provided the ball comes back to your side from outside of the pole.

    6> Nobody should hold the ball (stop ball movement) when it is in play, which is a unique rule among all ball-related sports activities.

    7> For beginners you play 21 points for a game, and 15 points for the deciding (usually the 3rd) game. The team that wins 2 out of 3 games wins the match.

    8> If you send the ball over and it goes out of bound (not even 1% on the side line), your opponent scores a point. If you hit the ball over and went out of bound AFTER it touched one of your opponents, and landed, you score a point. If your opponent's player could chase after the ball and send it back before it hit the floor, the ball is in play and they have to send it back within three-hit.

    9> You can lower the net for beginners, and even "shrink" the court if so desired.

    10> You can implement your own rules, such as each player can only serve twice with the second one earned (the team has to score after the first serve), to encourage new players participate in all positions of the game.

    Have fun playing volleyball.

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