
What theme should I do for my cafe?

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What theme should I do for my cafe?




  1. We'll, I would do alot of relaxing colors to make the customers feel comfortable. Maybe italian or french paintings on the wall, a vanilla background. Make them feel at home where they can just relax. If you suceed in this, they will come back more often maybe with more people because they know how good the service is and they love how it looks. But make it a relaxed place but also classy and fresh.

  2. Beach.

  3. retro

  4. If  you are the one designing the cafe, deffinately add lots of browns to the color scheme! It makes the customers feel ALOT more welcomed to see such rich enviorment. It even reminds them a bit like coffee. Try to center it alot around coffee. Use lots of black and brown leathers. Maybe even some yellows here and there. Also, as a backround music, jazz is fantastic.

  5. you should do a spanish theme. if you ever been to spain the restaurants and  cafes are very neat and classy. they mostly have dark colors

  6. Depends on the cafe. Generally though, when I go to a cafe, I want some place cool, laid back, makes me feel hip, and generally has a friendly vibe. So I suggest lots of sleek modern designs. Modern art is always a great touch.

  7. Make it unique. Look around, a lot of Cafes have the same style/food. Make it a stand out yet comfortable place with a unique menu too. People can go anywhere to get the same old, same old cafe' atmosphere & food.

    Good luck!!

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