
What theory ? darwin's or biblicall ?

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so you believe that god created everything on earth from the beginning or the thing evolved in time as darwin said




  1. Well ask yourself this, the premise of Darwinism is "survival of the fittest". if that is so, and we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys? Shouldn't they have died off a long time ago? seeing as how they are not "fit" to survive that is.  

  2. If God created everything, which is probably unprovable, that would include over 10 trillion billion other stars besides our apparently ordinary sun.  He would have created the universe about 14 billion years ago.  It is simple hubris to believe that we are the center of "creation" or that we occupy some significant place in the universe.  It is almost as silly as the beliefs when the ideas from the time when Genesis were written, that all the universe rotates around the Earth.  

    There is no question whatsoever that we are physically evolved from lower lifeforms and we are obviously related to all other life on the planet.  Biblical ideas about creation aren't theories and they are in fact just myths not much beyond the ideas of early humans that painted on cave walls.  Sorry to be blunt, but them's the facts ma'am.

  3. God created the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in them in six days around 6000 years ago according to Exodus 20:11 and the genealogies from Adam to Jesus and on until today...the Jewish calendar puts it at around 5768 years since Adam was created but it may be off by a couple hundred years for prophetic reasons.

    There are many evidences from around the world such as cave paintings, drawings, temple carvings, fabrics and artifacts that show dinosaurs co-existed with man until fairly recent times and Darwin's theory of macro-evolution has little substantiating evidence in the fossil record and pre-Cambrian explosion....Darwin had hoped future discoveries would bear out his theory. They have not according to one of the leading paleontologists (and evolutionist) in modern times...Stephen Jay Gould...a Harvard professor, who has stated that the lack of millions transitional, intermediary fossils does not bear out the premise of macro-evolution and prompted him to come up with the flawed "punctuated equilibrium" theory of evolution to account for the lack of transitional fossils.

  4. If the Bible is right, why don't we live for 500 years and inbreeding is not wrong.

  5. Evolution is a theory - Bible is a hypothesis

    The difference is:

    A theory is the best evaluation of all (well researched) facts

    A hypothesis does not even have to have a fact at it's base. It only needs to be mooted.

    The only people who do not accept evolution as fact are a very few undereducated people blinded to reality. They will make ridicules errors in their questioning of evolution, saying that we evolve from monkeys - untrue - we evolve from a common ancestor etc...

  6. god the whole way darwin is lamo

  7. both, of course, though my image of god is a little different then the higher power.

  8. We did not evolve from "monkeys," we evolved from Australopithecus afarensis, an ape-like creature, which DID die off a long time ago.

  9. theory is used in two different ways when talking about evolution and creationism, ultimately there the scientific usage and the common usage.

    a scientific theory is an explanation that has tons evidence backing it

    a common theory is simply a guess.

    and only a small portion of modern evolution theory is the resualt of Darwin, he only put forward the mechanism of natural selection.

  10. The Bible.

  11. don't worry about it,worry causes wrinkles,just do what I do,agree with whoever you're talking to,lol

  12. Evolution is a Law, creation is an idea without any proof.

  13. LOGIC says the earth evolved

  14. Hello dorin.alexandra,

                   The theory of evolution is exactly that,... theory.

    My reason, is exactly just that,...I have reason... and purpose in life... something that evolution will never be able to give to your heart, soul, and spirit.

    The Holy Bible, (John 18:37)  ...Pilate said to him,"So you are a king?" Jesus answered, You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world--- to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice."

    It is and was, the love of GOD for you and I, that compelled Him to send His only begotten Son that we might be saved. If, we choose to receive the gift given.   ... (which is a love that doesn't exhist in evolution, or any love for that matter...hmm...interesting?

    The theory of evolution has become a religion, with a futile attempt to remove accountability of oneself before the One True God of the Bible.

    The Bible's purpose in of itself, does not attempt to prove Truth because, it is in its purpose of being the very Revelation of GOD, that it does so,  as in Jesus speaking in John 18:37. Yet the Study of scripture is not just to feed the intellect. When one opens their heart to the Truths revealed throughout its Old and New testaments, by faith they're given understanding to the Revelation of GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT, to their spirit, and there is no denying the evidence of internal change to that individual.

    Scripture is full of GOD's love for his creation and how he has redeemed it to himself, through the blood of his own son.

    The Book of Genesis which gives the creation account was not given for the purpose of trying to prove GOD exists, that was already self evident, and still is, the main reason GOD gave Israel (and us) this Revelation was to show them their identity as GOD's chosen people. There was no intention from GOD to have to prove anything other than what GOD knows is self evident within ourselves, regarding our seeing creation before us.

    You have asked what I believe, with perhaps poor attempt, I am sharing to you that there is a very real and loving GOD who is able to confirm Himself for all who in faith call on Him.

    Personally, I am able to be content and confident in life because the One (Jesus Christ) who is Truth lives in my heart, and bears witness to the truth...which testifies of, He Himself our Creator.

    Anthropology, Science, Biology, History, Archeology, Mathmatics, Social Science, Psychology, Government...etc., will never in themselves alone be THE answer to Life's questions, because they were meant only to be something enjoyed from the One who has given them to us. Gifts for us to use, as we fulfill our pupose and reason for living, which, if I may, is the real question being asked.

    One reason I also believe the Revelation of GOD is, even on an intellectual level, evolution to the extent of trying to disclaim the Truths of GOD, which is really its issue, takes more faith than what GOD is asking for, of myself in His Son.  

    It's nice to share with you, sorry if a little wordy, this is'nt a short answer question for me in print.

    Thanks for your time.

  15. You're missing a position held by more than half the world's christians. That God was responsible for the creation of the universe and the appearance of mankind and that evolution is how it happened over long ages. This does not make the bible "not true" just metaphor and parable rather than accurate history in some early passages.

    The inerrant biblical literalists are a minority of christians.

  16. "Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof. "

    Ashley Montague

    Notice the replies. Those in favor of the biblical dump on evolution "lamo" without offering proof to support their position.

    "Anyone worried about atheism should be more concerned about creationism...By saying that only one religious interpretation is correct and universal, creationism typically is a rejection of every other religious interpretation. For example, young-earth creationists reject the religious interpretation that the universe is more than 10,000 years old (Sarfati 2004), and design theorists reject the idea that God has guided evolution (Dembski 1996). For people whose beliefs about God differ from those of a creationist, that creationism might just as well be atheistic."

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