Just a few decades ago our medical establishment said it was impossible to control involuntary functions, such as heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure. Some alt. medicine doctors made such a therapy, called BioFeedback to control these involuntary functions. {Which Yogi's & devote monk's showed that they could control such functions with the power of the mind, during meditation}
Biofeedback became very popular, and what you can't stop, you accept, so the medical establishment has now accredited biofeedback, and it is used in the medical profession for controlling involuntary functions. A few of the its capabilites are: reducing blood pressure, stress, anxiety, & eliminating migraines.
Hypnotherapy was once alternative medicine, and was used by Dr. J. Estdaile, a Scottish Surgeon, practicing in 1800's, he used hypnotism in operations, before anesthesia was available.His rate of success was 10x above his colleagues, who rejected this. Clinical Hypnotherapy is now accredited