
What therapy is recommended for an underactive thyroid gland?

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What therapy is recommended for an underactive thyroid gland?




  1. there are books at the library that you can read about how to boost the thyroid- what foods to avoid, health profile, lifestyle, all that. acupuncture can really help. I think replacement hormones are the easiest route though. levoxyl or synthroid are generically provided at Walmart for $4 as levothyroxine.

  2. go to or come join our group- Yahoo groups (thyroid). We can help with doctors,test results,natural alternatives to synthetic medication and there is a lot of support there for you, I have hyperthyroidism and the group helped me so much. Also, can help too. By the way I take a natural thyroid med made from plants Naturthroid I use to take Levoxyl, but I now feel better. Hope this helps you.

  3. They usually use Synthroid (one of the commonly used drugs) as hormone replacement therapy.  Of course taking in iodine can help too, (if you don't take in much of this.. like using iodized salt)  since it is necessary to make the hormones..

  4. In Chinese medicine, herbal Kidney tonics are used in cases of thyroid issues with good results and few side effects.

  5. I was under the impression that we are on the alternative medicine site and not on synthetic prescription medication. Levothyroxine or the US version Synthroid is just one of if with some nasty side  effects. The natural hormonal help is called "Thyrosine". It works without the side effects of synthetic preparations. Maybe called differently in The US, so for your information it is made out of dissected pork thyroids.

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