
What things am i supposed to take with me to college, where I will live in a dorm?

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  1. The first thing you should do is get in contact with your roommate, if it's a friend, great, if it's a stranger the campus paired you with they should provide you with that person's contact info.  You don't want to end up with two TV's, two microwaves, two dvd players etc with no place to store the extra so you'll want to arange that.

    I would def. take a little tv cart, like a twenty dollar one from walmart to put the tv, dvd player, store cds and dvds etc.  You'll need a microwave, and most dorms will provide you with a mini fridge to share with your roomie but I know alot of roommates one will bring one so that you each have your own.  

    You'll definatly want to buy some really great closet organizers, hanging shelves, over the door shoe racks, that kind of thing as a tiny desk and tiny set of drawers are probably a lot less space than you are used to.

    Don't forget to buy the extra long sheets, most stores carry them.  And you will probably want some kind of mattress pad since the ones most campuses provide are a lot like the ones we all hated at sleep away camp.

    Along with your regular clothing and accessories you will want to make sure you have:

    jacket/coat depending on the area as well as scarf, gloves, hat

    umbrella, cute cheap galoshes (you'd be suprised how willing you are to wear them when you have to walk across campus in a downpour)

    a toiletry carrier of some kind, especially if you have communal showers, with plenty of room for some cheap flip flops for the shower.  Even if you have a suite style dorm that's still four people to a bathroom and you can't just leave your stuff on the counter.

    A bathrobe, no matter how comfortable you think you will be running down the hall in your pj's with a bunch of other girls (or guys) remember other residents will constantly have guests, boyfriends, girlfriends, study groups, just milling around in the hallway and you never know who you will run into.

    Some other things not everyone thinks about:

    check to see if your dorm is carpet or tile.  you may want to purchase remnant carpet (very cheap) that can be cut to fit the room, those floors get very cold!)

    space heaters and a fan, most campuses give you your own little box for controlling the heat and air which makes you feel like you are in control until you find out that they have certain dates when they turn the air off and on, as well as the heat.

    a really great desk lamp for those nights you study while your roommate sleeps

    ear plugs, for when they are awake and you don't want to be

    cleaning supplies.  believe it or not no one cleans your room at college but you!  depending on the room you may need - some kind of bathroom cleaner, possibly windex, definatly pledge, air freshner, laundry cleaner of course, some dishwashing liquid and cleaning cloths.

    Take a really small, practical first aid kit.  so you're not running around begging random strangers for bandaids.  and one of those tiny sewing kits you get at walmart in the trial size section, you never know when the button is going to fall off your favorite shirt.

    If you have a car, at least one extra set of keys.  and an emergency gas card with twenty bucks on it for when you run out of gas and mom and dad are 200 miles away.  also, a very small gas can to keep in the trunk, do not keep it with gas in it that is dangerous.

    All your important papers, ss card, birth certificate, health insurance card all that.

    Something that locks.  seriously.  even  a little box with a combo lock on it.  yyou never really know a person until you live with them and you need to have a safe place to keep things such as your emergency credit card or your paycheck untl you go to the bank.  not saying that person would be untrustworthy, just that you can avoid ever suspecting them this way.

    Be sure to check your dorm policy before packing: coffee makers, bunson burners or any other type of stand alone cooking mechanisms since these will most likely not be allowed.

    check out this website for anything i forgot to mention :


  2. First find out where you are living.  You'll need alot more stuff with off-campus housing than if you lived in a dorm.  Depending on how far away the school is you may be better off just buying it when you get there than trying to transport it.

    Bed, Bath, and Beyond has a pretty decent checklist in their stores you can get at customer service.   Another easy thing to do is just write down what you use in a week.  When you make breakfast then write down the stuff like, "knife, toaster, plate, cup".    

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