
What things can a kid do to help their community?

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well, im in 8th grade.

What kinds of things can I do to help the community?




  1. Well you can go pick up litter with some of your friends at a park, recycle, plant trees, volenteer at a nursing home or hospital on your spare time.

  2. The single biggest thing you can do for the environment is to become a vegetarian.  You can also pick up trash and cans and bottles and recycle them, collect magazines and newspapers from your neighbors for recycling, and try to keep things out of the landfills.  Teach younger kids to conserve water.  Set an example.  Go to your local animal shelter and pet some kitties and walk some dogs.

  3. Help out at a retirement home.

  4. hey im in 9th grade. i reccomend joining a SADD club -- most are associated w/ the school you go to.  just ask the administration if there is such a program at ur school. if ur interested in it you can go to the website at its a great organization and really helps u become a better person. :) good luck :)

  5. you can volenteer at your church...thats always, help out w/ bake sales, stews, and stuff...

    also, you can go around and pick up trash on the side of the road...thats always a good way to help out the community. Try to help elders too. like if they need yard work done, you can help them, and hey, if your lucky, they will tip you:) good luck!!

  6. volunteer for community work raising money tohelp your local homeless people. or you can raise money for shelters

  7. i guess join your community centre or help out in your church or temple or mosque

    and      i cant think of anything else.. c'mon you know your own community better than me i am sure

  8. There are clubs and organizations for kids your age.  The Builder's Club in Middle School and the Key Club in high school are two organizations that work to help their communities.  Join these.

  9. You can:

    1) see about becoming a candy striper and donate a couple hours a month/week to reading to the blind/handicapped/ elderly.

    2)Volunteer at your public or school library.  

    3) Volunteer at your place of worship

    4) Volunteer at a animal shelter

    5) Recycle, do not pollute and do onto others, as you would have them do onto you...

    6)  Do not get involved with drugs or alcohol or gangs and study very hard and become successful... (this last one can benefit you, your family and the community and the World.)

  10. My grand daughter at that age went with me once a month to Orlando to feed the homeless.

  11. recycle

  12. our community,we,you know,kids and teens..

    ..we help,by joining in recycling things,such as paper and cans

    ..okay,but in our community,there is a section called squatters area,where in needy people resides.and there is an organization whose aim is to help them,so we gather clothes,things that we are not already using and donate it to the organization..'

  13. i think i can really help you with ur question because i once wanted to do the same thing. theres a variety of fun things you can do such as: elderly volunteering, recycling, fundraisers, car washes, community gardens, special education voluntering, clean your street, and raising money to help some one, build something, or donate in ur community as well as having a home daycare you can watch 2-4 kids with your friends and it can become really fun......hopefully my info helped good luck with ur commmunity work.

  14. You can do so many things!

    simple things like walking around and cleaning up your neighborhood.  Or planting flowers in a local park.

    Helping your communtiy is anything that makes it a better place to live.  Keeping it clean and beautiful are any the simple things.

    be creative and do a small project every month or week.  It will make you feel good and you can start thinking of some really creative things

  15. Gather a group of your classmates, put on some gloves, grab some garbage bags, & pick up the litter alongside the roads & highways, but please be careful.

  16. Volunteer.

  17. well...u can help out at a retirement home like somone said.

    u can pick up trash in the community and recylce

    also plant flowers around to make the area look nicer!

  18. My school makes all students do community service, and here are the things i do:


    help at a nonprofit organization, such as one for therapeutic horse back riding


    help at the pound (sometimes u have to make an appointment, because tons of people like to help at the pound)


    retirement homes are good too


    serve food to homeless people (with salvation army or something)

  19. plant tree's,, help the elders,,  or look at this story

  20. do you have a volunteer center or an agency that can guide you?

    try calling the united way in your area

    or the boys and girls club

    what about an old age home in the area?

    i'd call the bigger agencies first, that's their 'job' so they will be good at finding a good match for you

    thanks for getting involved!

  21. You could go to a library and help them.

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