
What things can cause you to have no will to live?

by Guest44716  |  earlier

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You can get so emotionally depressed that your heart just might stop beating or something

Also... Have you seen the movie "Somewhere In Time"? I recommend you to watch it.

Its about a guy from the 1980's that falls in love with a picture of a girl from the 1920's. And He found out a way to go back in time to meet her. So he did and they fell in love and made love..blah blah. But when he took out a penny "that he didn't know he brought" from 1979 and saw it. He was sent back to the 1980's leaving that girl behind and heartbroken. He found out that he can't go back in time anymore and he was very emotionally upset. He ended up not having the will to live anymore and so he dies. In the end he meets that girl "who already died of old age" in Heaven. And they were happy again!




  1. neglect...depression...dispair....will lead to a failure to thrive.  in the case of that movie...i would say that in order for it to be a true to life scenario...he became desperately psychotic, stopped eating, drinking and had a heart attack or his organs stopped working properly.

  2. Loneliness, depression, destitute are the highest cause for a person not to want to keep on living.  Right now the fact that people are barely making ends meet, losing their homes and jobs can cause a person to think that is the only way out.  If we could go back some of us would and try and do things very different.    

  3. My kids dying would give me no will

  4. always think like that" there are sure so many good things 2 do or 2 be around me somewhere"

    ur task always will be how an where 2 find any good thing 2 do in time of the hardest problem

    may be afriend, astory 2 read, asport 2 practice

    try 2 find someone 2 listen 2 u

    u arent the only one who has aproblem

    can u get it?

    about the film: so romantic story but not areal

    ur life is so expensive so keep it an never try 2 get rid of it

    good luck

  5. Losing a child

  6. I've never seen the movie, but doesn't that star that Superman guy Christopher Reeve?

  7. Back in the day that was my favorite movie, not because the acting or the story was great, but because of the love Christoper Reeve's character had for Jane Symour's character (I can't remember their names).

    It had a Romeo and Juliet tragedy quality about it. When he was so abruptly ripped from her side, he simply could not bear to live without her. He indeed lost his will to live - and shut down, body and soul.

    Of course if they'd stayed together long enough the everyday annoyances of real life would have in time crept in as they always do - and she may have left him for the mailman, or he for some chickie in the chorus. But as in Romeo and Juiliet, their brief love was all-consuming, and wonderful, and rich with passion. Sigh . . . and life without her was - at that point in time - inconceivable.

    I have heard of a few cases where people were said to have died of a 'broken heart'. These were all long-time married where one spouse died within moments or days of the other.  

    Of course there are suicides over lost loves - but I personally have never heard of a case where a younger person simply willed themselves to die and did. I had a elderly neighbor who, faced with nursing home care after breaking her hip, told her family she would sooner die  - and did that night.

    Take care - losing love is never a good thing, but a new love may be just around the bend.

  8. What a sad question. Yes, I saw that movie many years ago when I was newly married. Sadly, my husband was killed by a drunk driver 8 1/2 years later. The loss of a spouse is the highest on the list - and yes there is a list. A divorce, the death of a child, serious and prolonged illness, or being overwhelmed by too many bad things happening too close together. That is such a sad thing to dwell on. You sound very sensitive.

  9. na, i havnt seen that movie, but saw sumthing similar called 'Secret that cannot be told'. you shud watch that as well!

    hmm, i think that if my whole family was abducted and our kidnappers killed my whole family except for me and i'm left to rot without anything, even clothes, i think i might die.

  10. I will feel that way if i never ever see the love of my life! =[

  11. Losing the love of your life

  12. "Somewhere In Time"   Now that is an awesome movie! Saw it in the theaters when it first came out on film.  I even bought the soundtrack.  What a beautiful love story!

    In answering your question, Losing someone you love deeply, a child, parent, significant other can crush a person's spirit, leaving them to grieve themselves to death.

  13. Is This A Question?

    Losing a child or A loved one :(

  14. Somewhere In Time is one of my favorite movies.  My neighbor, married to his wife for 62 years, died of a broken heart 32 days after she died.  Yes, I think you can lose your will to live.  

  15. Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymore were pretty great in that movie.  The problem at hand for you sounds like one of two things:

    I once saw a writing on a mens room wall: "If life has meaning, make another's day brighter. But if life has no meaning, then make another's existense miserable.

    1. You have just had your heart ripped out and there is not much sense in me trying to tell you that the sun WILL rise again or that there are other fish in the sea.


    2. You have lots of friends that have a significant other but you are sitting home every night.  You may feel that life has passed you by. You may feel that you were born in the wrong era.  

    What are your interests?  I guarantee you that if you identify your interests and find like minded people you will find your soul mate.

    Go to the library, the grocery store, the park, the bank, ride the bus, get a hair cut,GO TO CHURCH.

    I have been successful at each of these places.  

    The only possible problem would be if you like sitting in the basement of your parents house playing video games or gawking at pornos every waking moment.  In those cases you would need a drastic lifestyle change and some hobbies that actually include other real life people.

    You can do it!!!  You will find someone.

    Life IS worth living.

  16. nice story

    I have not yet lost the will to live, too much pain of all types aND NO HOPE WOULD DO IT

  17. Well anything can stop you wanting having the will to live, but it is fighting against that.! A lot of people that do not have it do commit suicide.! It depends the movie could be fictional, but thank you for the recommendation. Much appreciated.!

  18. A terminal illness.

  19. Nothing with Jesus!

  20. i have no will to live right now

  21. I love that movie!!!  Losing a child can cause you to feel that way.  Losing everything without any recourse can also make you feel that way.  

    Edit:Sadly Dana Reeve Died shortly after Christopher.  Yes it was cancer (Actually it was the Chemo), but you have to wonder because they seemed very much in love.

  22. I think that you can die of heartache, but you have to kind of will it too.  

  23. an election that's gone on for over a year

  24. When my Xbox 360 died. It had four red lights called  The Ring of Death. It was a tough three weeks, Then I got it back from Microsoft. Absoulute o****m when I saw my baby again... lol

  25. the main thing that can help people go on is to remember that when you are dead.. you are dead for a very long time........things might be crappy in life sometimes.. but i would rather see it play itself out.. no matter how bad it might get........because once this existence is gone.. we don't get a 2nd chance .

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