
What things cause depression and why so?

by  |  earlier

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what are the characteristics, symptoms as well?

why and how so?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. There are too many to list.

    Depression can be brought on by stress, lack of sleep, family problems, relationship problems - there are really to many to detail here.

    Symptoms include - tiredness, lack of energy, not wanting to eat, not sleeping or wanting to sleep, restlessness, apathy.

    All brought on by the brain switching itself off to a degree - it blocks out certain things that cause the problem. Again there are too many to list.

    See a GP and take the surgery test - all GP's surgeries have this test now - just answer the questions honestly and they can judge by the score you get - as to how bad the depression is. They can then help to control it

  2. There can be lots of reasons why we feel depressed, we can be over stressed, have money worries, or things just getting us down in general, some of the symptoms can be not wanting to do or go anywhere, maybe not even wanting to get dressed in the morning when we get up, feel like crying for no reason at all, even things can get so bad you don't even want to take a bath/shower wash our hair, just don't care about about how we look, and the list goes on, so if you are feeling any of these things i would go and see a doctor and let him/her to help you before things go to far.

  3. The symptoms of depression are: negative feelings about life, an unwillingness to participate in usual activities, isolation, the tendency of feeling unwell, including headaches, poor posture, and suicidal feelings.

    Depression can be caused by a number of things, such as environ(mental) circumstances family issues, and social issues.  Depression may also be caused by a chemical imbalance to the brain, that may need treating with medication.  People can become depressed because of their self concept: which comprises of the self esteem, the body image, the ideal self, self efficacy beliefs, and social identifications, (the social groups that they are a part of).  

  4. I agree with all of the above answers.  An individual could also be genetically predisposed to Depression so that even the tiniest of stressors could set that individual off.

  5. I don't think anyone can answer with accuracy, if psychology had the answers then they would have the cures. Anti-depressants are certainly not cures.

    Observation tells me the following: State of mind affects body and state of body affects mind. Keeping yourself well nourished is obviously a first step then. Secondly, lack of achievement certainly plays a major part. Start putting goals in life, small ones, play life as a game with 'points' to win, and your outlook changes. Thirdly, it's become all too much of an excuse, with doctors and psychologists validating it.

    You have a problem for example and see your doctor. Rather than telling you to pull yourself together he gives you a valid reason for your condition. That also imposes upon you the neccessity to accept it's not you or your responsibility, it's an illness that no one can do anything about. I do accept that in some cases this is true, but in general there are far too many people diagnosed as depressed than there actually is. Once a person has accepted this diagnosis, they then stop looking at their state of mind as something they can do something about, and start looking at it as the reason they are the way they are. Stick a million pounds (or dollars!) In their hands then see how depressed they are! Bottom line, change your hair, change your room, change your outlook, change your mind !

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