
What things could give a person a false negative on a HCG test if in fact they are pregnant?

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  1. Testing too early is a BIG one.  Otherwise, some women just don't secrete enough HCG into their urine for a test to be positive.  In that case, get a blood test.  Good luck!

  2. If your hormone levels are lower than the test detects, then it will give you a false negative.

    Here's a list of the pregnancy test brands and what level your hormones must be at for it to detect.

  3. Testing too early will cause confusion and false results. You can pregnancy test 7 days after a missed period for the greatest accuracy. If you feel the test is still incorrect, you can wait for a week and then take another urine or blood test to confirm results.

    Pregnancy Signs:

  4. All I can think of is someone testing too early. You may not have enough of the hormone needed yet for a test to pick it up.Good luck

  5. A false neg on a pee test normally comes when you test too soon. I like most women TTC never waited until I'm supposed to and get neg. at 1st but when I retest like I should when I should it always  showed accurate. When it said I was not preg. I was not and when it said I was I was. I had tried to conceive for over a year and have taken my share of tests when the test says preg. we believe it but when it says neg. we question it. If you still get a neg. and you suspect your still preg. then you should go get a blood test at your Dr. office. Hope you have success soon.

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