
What things did your partner do that captivated your heart & made you consider he/her as your eternal partner?

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What things did your partner do that captivated your heart & made you consider he/her as your eternal partner?




  1. He was just a good guy

  2. my husband and i dated back in high school, and i fell in love with him.  i was the first to drop the L bomb on him, and he always said love you too.  wot always got me was he would never say it first.  long story short, he joined the army right after high school and got sent over seas, so we decided to just be friends for a while, see how things went.  we talked and emailed off and on.  we both did our own thing, i ended up hooking up with a total loser and of course got pregnant.  he calls me up in the hospital the day after i delivered and proposes.   i wasn't expecting it at all, and told him i needed some time.  he called me every day, sometimes 2 or three times, asking how me n the baby were doing, talking about this n that.  once a week he'd ask me if i'd made a decision.  he even offered a "in name only marriage", but i knew better than that, and he said hey it's a shot.  a couple months later, he hadn't made one phone call that day, and finally later that night he managed to get a call thru (he'd been at work all day and his phone had died).  he only managed a couple minutes here and there since his battery kept dying.  finally i tell him to charge it up over night and call me early in the morning since my mom was threatening to accept his proposal for me if it would get him to stop calling so late, lol.  he told me he'd try and call as soon as he could, and no matter what i decided, he'd respect that.  before he hung up the phone he said out of the blue "oh hey, before you hang up one more thing.  i love you."  i was speechless.  he was always very closed up when it came to emotions and didn't express them almost ever.  and he was still on the line saying "hello, still there?  did you hear me?  i love you, always have."  i asked him if he really truly meant it, and when he said yes, i told him yes.  when he came home for the wedding, he pulled into the drive, said hey what's up to me, and walked right over to my lil boy and picked him up, held him in front of his face and said "hey lil man, i'm your daddy."    

  3. He walked on his hands to impress me, he smelt my ear rings and said they smelt  lovely..they were little flowers, but of course the weren't real flowers...when the lad I was going out with went away to sea...he came to my home and asked me to go for a walk..I married him 8 months later, I'm now married 40 yrs.

  4. I haven't had that experience yet.

  5. We worked together, when we met. He would leave post it notes where I worked when I was on break. Some had smiley faces, but the one that got me was when he drew a heart with an arrow through it and it said I give you my heart. We have now been married 11 years, and together 15.

  6. He helped me through my separation and his kindness really captivated me.  He is very loving and caring, and the best of all is that we are exactly alike.  He gives the most amazing cuddles, and kisses like no one I have ever met.  And the way we are intimate, is just amazing.  No one ever has made me feel like I am in heaven.  For that and much more, I truly believe he is The One.

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