
What things do I need to have in order to keep baby ducklings?

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I have two baby muscovy ducklings that I found swimming aimlessly in a lake, drenched by a thunerstorm. Of course, I had to take these poor things in. I know what to feed baby ducks, but im not sure of what else to provide them. Something warm??? Light??? A water bowl so they can swim in it? Any suggestions?




  1. Get a box and put some straw or shavings in it. Or you can just use newspaper. Buy a heating lamp or just a plain lightbulb and set it up so that it's shining on the box. As for swimming, uh, maybe you can put them in the bathtub for a while each day, or something else that they can swim around in. But i wouldn't leave it in the box, though.

          You should feed them Turkey grower cause that's really good for them. And you can get a license to keep them legally, or just hurry up and raise them then let them free. O, you should bring them outside sometimes so that they  remember what to do when you let them free.

  2. I LEGALLY had ducks.  And I had to get a filter tank and all.  If your secretaly planning to nurse them back to health, THEY c**p EVERYWHERE!!  Turkey feed is healthy for them to grow fast.  

    Also, if you take them to a duck pond with a mother duck around nomatter which breed, the mother SHOULD take care of the babys.

  3. It's illegal to keep them. Take 'em to the SPCA or a shelter.

  4. You cannot legally keep them & take care of them.  You need to seek out a wildlife rehabilitator.

    ETA:  Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, it is illegal to keep native migratory birds without a permit.

  5. It really depends on what country you are in as to whether you can rear them or not. Its illegal in America but not in Britain.

    If you are going to go ahead then you need a plastic box (with tall sides, they can really jump!) They eat chick crumbs but also adore a few meal worms and lettuce as they get older..

    They will need to be on a heat pad or hot water bottle (make sure its covered though otherwise they will burn) Old towels not newspaper are great cause they love to snuggle up to things...

    I give mine feather dusters to sit under!

    Don't let them swim unsupervised because their mummy isn't their to dry them and they will chill.

    A drinker is best for water so they don't climb in.

    As they get older they will need to be moved onto starter pellets (because to much protein will give them angel wings)

    When they get their feathers coming through they will need to go into an aviary with a pond during the day and slowly leave them out longer each time..

    Rearing ducks for release is a long job, it takes months..

    If you cant cope you should take them to your local rehabber..

    I run a wildlife rehabilitation centre and would be glad to help depending on where you live...

    Good luck

  6. We nursed an abandoned duck before.  He got really aggressive as he grew older and really needed a lot lot lot more space than we could provide.  We had to call animal control and they took him to a nearby marsh.  They said we probably did more harm than good since now he doesn't know how to get his own food.  He would peck at people when he was hungry since he associated us with food.  Just call animal control now and they will take care of the ducks the right way.

  7. well if you have them LEGALLY...

    search the web cause i dont really know. SORRY

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