
What things do men show whan they cheat?

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What things do men show whan they cheat?




  1. Each one is different.  Some are vengeful against their wives for not "satisfying" them and others are apologetic.  Good luck finding out.  Mine didn't want to do anything with me but would demand the he wasn't getting enough s*x from me THEN turn around and tell me he couldn't get it up because I was too fat.  I am not fat!

    He was always much heavier than me and I had no problem "servicing" him when he was way too fat.

  2. I dont know but this is the first time someone cheated on me like this.. i found him about more than an hour ago in bed with another woman, before i found out about it, he was mean and cold towards me.. his attitude changed with the kids also..

  3. they will change, not being interested in family or the house anymore, will say they are working overtime, will not keep promises,will give extra attention to their appearance, will get more selfish,secretive, won't talk to u like they use to.they may pick fights, find fault,be critical of u.they will totally disrespect u in front of others.they may avoid u sexually,and u won't feel the love u use to.

  4. They try to keep as much as possible the same at home. They do not want to arouse your suspicion. They could also come home already showered. They may guard their phone more. They do care more about their appearance. They start hanging out with friends or coworkers more. (or so they say) They do try also to keep s*x the usual amount so that does not raise suspicion also.

  5. they accuse you of cheating because they usually are cheating on you or think about cheating on you.

    they're extra nice and buy you flowers everytime they feel bad because they were out being unfaithful.

    they seem to disappear off the planet sometimes with some lame excuse!

    they shower right when they get home.

    you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach. never underestimate women's intuition!

  6. What things do men show when they cheat?? ANSWER SAYS: Their Pee-pee's. (To women other than the ones they should be showing it to)

  7. they make up lies and stutter when you confront them

    they may also scratch their head when they lie

  8. Certain things to look for.

    A lot of overtime work at the office but no overtime money to show for it.

    A sudden interest in looking better physically.

    a need to upgrade the wardrobe.

    A spike in grooming products, perhaps using cologne when he didn;t before.

    when he comes home, he goes right to the shower

  9. When they say I'm working late, or constantly saying they are busy and cant tell you what they are doing...or somehow cuts the conversation short and you know what time he gets off work. Act different towards you as of not being intimate or show affection like he usually do toward you.Your intuition will tell you if he's cheating.

  10. huh?

    They show you that they dont respect you.

  11. They care more about their appearance, you may find condom (or wrappers), lipstick/lipgloss on his clothes, he gets irritated with you more easily, he finds excuses to get out more ("oh, honey I'll go to the store for you").

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