
What things do u do?

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...that are really anti green or energy wasting?

For example: We leave mobile phone chargers plugged in ALL the time.

My friend warms her bed at night with her hair dryer.

The same friend also warms herself up on a cold morning with the hair dryer.

Ive heard of a girl that puts her clothes in the tumble dryer even though they arent wet just to put them on when they are warm.

Another friend leaves her house lights on all the time just incase its dark when she comes home.

What strange things do you do that really waste energy?




  1. Only my mobile charger all night long because I need to charge it for the following day... ah, and a lamp beside my bed as well as I don't like to sleep in the dark.

    Have a nice day!!!

  2. I've used the microwave as a lamp..

  3. i caught my husband  about to put his dripping wet , hand washed track suit bottoms in the tumble dryer. when i suggested that he put them in the spin dryer first, he said it doesnt dry them enough.

  4. At the moment I'm endlessly farting after an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet last night.

    I'm a one-man environment killing machine right now!!!!

  5. orlaith,

    First let me say that it seems you have a lot of cold blooded friends. Hopefully you are much warmer.

    I would say that I waste energy outside of the home. I just drive too much and use way too much gas. There are occasions where I could consolidate my trips but don't.

    What is "orlaith" ?

  6. I leave my fan on all the time,lolz

  7. My wife has converted from a mains operated d***o to a solar powered d***o. Going green does have a price to pay because she can only use it in sunlight. This means she  generally is using it in the back garden. It seems that she has inspired the neighbours who have taken the opportunity to witness her saving money.

  8. i used to go 'the pretty way' to exeter via the black hills in the brewery waggon - steep hills, extra 20 odd litres of diesel each time....

  9. None anymore.

  10. I have never heard of anyone drying themselves using a hair dryer, and i suspect it's just an attention grabbing device.

    Clothes in the tumble dryer I have heard of. I used to put my fresh underwear and shirts on the radiators - that was bliss.

    My next door neighbour leaves his passageway light on all night - maybe he thinks it will deter burglars - but burglars don't give a monkey.

    I think I'm quite cool when it comes to saving energy - my biggest improvement was buying double amount of underwear and then using the washing machine half as many times.

  11. leave all my chargers in the wall, watch tv and go on the computer at the same time

  12. My computer is running practically 24/7. The monitor is off most of the time, but I couldn't yet be bothered to replace the fan-controller that broke about two years ago, which was supposed to rev down the fans if possible. Since then, the thing sounds like an airplane.

    Also, I like everything that has to do with two-stroke engines... I just absolutely love their smell, their fumes and their sound. So naturally, this results in some fuel being burnt for no particular reason :)

    You mostly talk of your friends' deeds, what about yourself? Haha

  13. i leave a light on at night time

  14. My only crime really is sometimes I forget to turn the computer off and leave it on standyby at home. Otherwise not a great deal else.

  15. It's not strange, but it is bad.

    I have my house too warm, it's wastful.

    But i do everything else "right" - cycling to work, energy saving lightbulbs, turning everything off at walls, vegan, recycle top the point of obsession...

    I'm trying, but I can't cope with coldness!!

  16. the VHS video and hi-fi, is never turned off. the side light is switched on at 4pm while its light outside so i havent got to put it on when it gets dark at 7pm

  17. i waste lots of energy leaving things plugged in leaving lights on and i will keep doing this
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