
What things do you do to save money that you have actually had results from?

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I know there are tons of things people say will help you save money, but I want to know things that have actually worked really well.




  1. I looked over our cable bill yesterday, and cancelled channels we never even watch. I also asked about different charges on the bill, and had them taken off. They were just hidden charges. I am now saving close to $40 a month because of that.

  2. put it aside separate from your spending money. example, put it in a different back account. once the money is deposited in there, then you should think that it's no longer available! this works for me!

  3. Well I would suggest if you pay with cash to put aside any change in a jar or something. It might not seem like much at first but after a little while that change will add up!!

  4. Not spending it! Usually works wonders for me.

  5. there are a few things you can the others said cancel cable channels you don't use, call your cell phone company and see what specials they have and if your getting the best plan possible. Call your credit card company's and ask for a lower percent rate, if you've been doing good with your car loan try to refinance to get a lower percentage rate there. Do the same with your car insurance, try to get a lower premium. Check your with-holdings on your taxes and see if you can pay less money during the year, you just won't get a huge tax return. Buy groceries and cook instead of going out to eat/fast food. If these things work, the money that you're not paying out to them anymore put it into a savings account (NOT a checking account) so that you can gain a little interest. It's money you won't miss because it was going out to someone else anyway. DON'T get a bank card for it...Let it sit there for a little while so when a rainy day comes you'll have an umbrella...

  6. Get some sort of automatic savings program that either comes directly off your paycheck (some employers have this option) or comes directly out of your bank account on the day you get paid.

    Putting the money away before any other transactions is the best way.  You won't notice its gone.  I do this with my mutual funds as well as into a high interest savings account.  If its not in your account to spend then you won't spend it!

  7. Skip the soda pop buying and the fast food buying. Don't drive around unnecessary. Use Sunday Papers grocery coupons.

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