
What things do you keep in your car for emergencies when their is snow and ice on the roads?

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Sorry, I meant THERE




  1. A pair of cloves. You dont want to be changing tires or pushing vehicles out of the snow with frozen hands.

  2. Nothing really so lets hope that I never get stranded.  I don't drive on the interstate much unless I'm leaving town and even then I'm bad.  I'm a sad person.

  3. Blanket, kitty litter or sand (for traction if you get stuck), flashlight, snow shovel, extra pair of winter gloves and a pair of boots (in case I've gotta walk). And of course I always have my cell phone with me.

  4. extra gloves and blankets, flashlight, one of those ones you just shake up to work, Jack and tire iron, first aid kit. Just the normal things anyone else would have I guess.

  5. You should carry the following...Shovel, flares, blankets, candles, a strong rope 50 ft or more, chocolate bars, water, bag of sand or salt,first aid kit,warm clothes and mits,fire extinguisher,flash light and spare batteries,if you dont have one a cell phone to call for help if in the boonies. I think that is all. PS.. Make sure spare tire is not flat. Its no good on the road flat is it!!Make sure jack works.

  6. My cell phone , triple AAA auto club card and usually someone with me to get me out of the mess I"ve gotten myself into : )

  7. idk

  8. A cell phone, that will get me everything that I need.

  9. chauffeur

    home james ..

  10. Blankets

  11. you can keep first aid,flash light and hot hands!!

  12. I have my cell phone.  a few flashlights and lighter with batteries,  and three blankets. One for me and each of my kids.

  13. I have a four wheel drive truck, but I always keep tools behind the seat, a couple chains, a snow shovel, extra coat, extra pair of insulated coveralls and a pair of socks.    I haven't needed any of it yet, but I will make sure its there.

  14. IF going to SNOW area always carry:Change of clothes, gloves,hats, scarves,  blankets, thermas with hot water, coffee, hot chocolate or tea. Have plenty of snacks and music. CELL PHONE or WALKIE TALKIES or better yet a CB radio. Which I have. Old school but still cool. Snow chains and know how to use them. ALSO inform neighbors, friends and family you are going in snow area and for how long you will be gone.

    * Empty coffee sized can with lid in case you need to use bathroom. (I know gross) but if you are stuck in traffic you will be thankful for the big coffee can and empty it at a rest stop and wash it for next time.

    Matches or lighter, Vaseline and cotton balls. Rub vaseline with cotton balls to start a fire if needed. I have this in my auto ALL the time, not just snow season. Flat shovel,  flares, bottled water for everyone (2 each) games if kids are with you. Sitting in the snow if trapped is no fun of course but I remember going to Tahoe a few years back and the games saved us from whinny kids. Traffic stopped for 4 hrs.

  15. I Used To Have Chains, Flares & a Shovel To Start...!!

    Assuming ice-Scraper, Gloves are already There...!!

  16. emergency kit,


    shovel, and

    jumper cables.

    a bag of kitty litter for traction,

    a flashlight with spare batteries,

    blankets and large plastic bags for warmth,

    extra clothing including mittens,

    a 3 pound empty coffee can, candles and matches, for melting snow, and

    food and a metal cup.

  17. blankets

    kitty litter-good traction if your stuck

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