
What things do you need to set up a Ball python/Royal python habitat?

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  1. keep it simple in the beginning, depends on how old also....if beginning with small baby just a 10gal tank with light and put light on one side leaning other side dark, light is for warmth.

    I also used shredded paper in beginning using pet chips later, so they can get used to it, also a rock for them to hide near but not a warming rock that they use for reptiles, they tend to lay there and get burned on them, hope this helps...after it started grownin and comfortable i put in a 50 gal. tank for remainder of life....had for 5 yrs

    good luck they r wonderful creatures

  2. depending on their size a ten to thirty gallon tank some bedding i use aspen bedding for my baby ball python and have her in a teen gallon tank and you will also need a place for it to hide you could make something or buy something and youll need a water bowl thats big enough for it to soak in and a lamp or heeting pad and humidity gauge and temp gauge preferably two temp gauges so you could make like one side of the cage 80 degrees and the 0ther like 95 and the snake can choose which side to go on and dont use cedar or pine bedding it can be toxic for your snake so dont take a chance

  3. to set up the vivarium for your snake use a basking spot lamp (it's by zoo med). put that on one side which keeps the vivarium around 85 - 90 F during the day and dont put any kind of heating on the cool side of the temp is fine for that.  leave the heat lamp on for 10 – 12 hours a day.  also at night just turn off the day lamp and the temp should drop around 70 - 75 at night. put hides on both sides and leave their water on the cool side. use a substrate that can hold humidity like cypress mulch (forest floor) then just mist it several times a day (3) with a squirt bottle to keep the humidity up. the humidity should be around 60% when you mist it.

    after your snakes new enclosure is set up then leave the snake alone for at least a week before handling it or feeding it...this will keep your snake from stressing out.

    when you feed your snake take it out of its enclosure and put it in a "feeding tub"...any appropiately sized palstic box will do (a plastic box like from wal mart or target). If the snake is an adult you will need a decent sized plastic box...get one that is short...not too tall (the size that could fit under your bed). drill holes along the sides at the top for airflow put the snake in and then the food in. after the snake has eaten give it about 15 minutes to get its food down before putting it back in its cage. dont handle the snake for about 24 hours after it eats. its just better all around to feed a snake this way.

  4. Ball Pythons are generally easy to take care of,

    they arent very active, but they are excellent at escaping.

    Adults can easily live out their life in a 30 gallon tank.

    Substrate- use aspen, pine and cedar can cause health problems,

    you can use newspaper but its not very attractive

    Water- you need a water bowl big enough for the snake to soak in

    You can simply use a heating pad that sticks on UNDER the tank,

    again the heating pads go under the tank and should cover 1/3 - 1/2 the tank max. make sure you note "under the tank"

    Lots of people measure their temperature, and use lights, but I prefer heating pads that go "UNDER" the tank.

    Some people also use also use a light bar separated from the tank so the snake can not get in contact with it and to heat my tank when needed

    "Ball pythons are easy to care for all there is really to care for them is to keep the enclosure clean, fresh water, feedings, and love."

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