
What things do you use for a sure fire.....?

by Guest65217  |  earlier

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Good luck charm?

what made you decide to use this thing..(how did it begin? was it a gift given to you..and you just promptly decided to do it that way...or did the gift giver give you what they deemed as a good luck piece? or did you buy it somewhere ,and the seller or you, knew that it was "lucky" or how, what and why?)

What has been some of the BEST things that have occurred and or happened to you, all because of this lucky charm?





  1. There is no such thing.

  2. I don't believe in luck.  everything happens for a reason.  I do believe in God though.  Maybe He could help.

  3. A charm is nothing more than a small fetish to ease the mind by no longer accepting responsibility for what happens.

  4. I have a Brass Ring that has become more of a 'bad omen ' than good luck charm...

    I found it in a pawn shop for .10*

    it makes it's way through the house(nobody put's it away the same place twice) but if you find it  then you have to pay close attention because a 'crossroads ' is coming and a 'choice' will be made.

    My friend borrowed it for a couple of years- said it did well for him-he sent it back,but I haven't seen it for awhile...

    We keep a vebal record of circumstance concerning the ring, and the irony of a merry-go-round can feel so like a rollercoaster when the wind blows easterly


  6. My belief is that it all boils down to 'intent'. Your thoughts are very powerful. Maybe you have heard the saying "Where thoughts go, energy flows"?

    Objects themselves may have some ability to be 'lucky', but when you believe that the object will, then every time  you look at it, or feel it, that very action will redirect your thoughts thus adding more energy to your original intent.

    I don't use objects for "luck" but I have used different items to reinforce health, protection, clarity etc.

    Interesting question. I look forward to reading the other answers

  7. i find that things that bring good luck are things that people have had or been whearing when something really good happened to them, like a wedding ring from a marrage that lasted forever, that would be a very good luck charm

  8. I personally do not have a good luck charm, however I have been to a Bingo hall.  There are people who swear by them.  One woman had a treasure troll/ wishknick, a bell, a piece of gum, a toy car and a beanie baby.  She said that these things help her to win. I believe her because she does seem to win a lot.  Also whenever her lucky number is called she rings the bell.  

    You should find out if your town has a Bingo hall and go some night.  It is definitely an interesting place to go people watching!

  9. I believe Luck exists as an intent. We gain confidence or focus regarding the success of an event (ie making the basket,  doing well on a job interview.)

    Public speaking is difficult because half our brain is worried about things that can go wrong, or the consequence of failure. If you had a trinket that tricked you into not worrying about it, it would be much more likely a success. Is the trinket interacting with you..No, but Your mind is and can manipulated.

  10. Good luck charms do not have any power to do anything. If you want good luck, develop a sharp mind, be aware, and plan well for the future. Don't rest your fate in silly superstitions.

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