
What things in the world really give us true Power and Happiness??

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What things in the world really give us true Power and Happiness??




  1. being smart, wise, and having a good family

  2. Whatever it is to you. It is different for everyone.

    For me it is 'Love'. Any kind of love.

    What is it for you?

  3. The ability to give does that...nothing the we receive can.

  4. selfgratification and selfglorification .

  5. Do you mean physicality? If so, there is no thing that can provide true power and happiness. (By "true", I am thinking "everlasting.")

    Those things that offer true happiness and power are the virtuous things that seek to guarantee them - love, peace, goodness, self-control, kindness, beauty, joy.

    I think that true power and happiness comes with the practice of these things.

  6. I doubt power and happiness are compatible...I'll choose to be happy and for that all I need is my husband and daughter. (and perhaps a good book :))

  7. Wise choices, period

  8. Power?...Strength in self


  9. Independent emotionally, financially.

    Smart and wise.

    Good family and few good friends.

  10. Love. As cheesy as it sounds, love is all we have in the end <3

  11. nothing in the world gives us true power and happiness because everytime we achieve what it seems to us to give us happiness, we tend to want more.... we can never satisfy our wanting more of life.... it wont be money, love, car, ot etc..... our need and want is irrefressible, that's why...

  12. Good question.  Keep asking this question, and be honest with the answers, and you won't go wrong in life.

    The answer I got is "relationships".  80% of my happiness or sadness in life comes from how well my relationships with the people in my life are going.  And, believe me, I didn't want to come to this conclusion.  I wanted my happiness to be based on things I had more control over, like how much money I was making.

    Personal power is something we all want.  In it's purest form, I think it is respect from others and the ability to stand up for our own needs.   When we don't feel we have respect or can't stand up for ourselves is when we search for power in other forms, like abusing the weak or holding high positions in industry or government or taking over the world, which is also centered in relationships.

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