
What things should I do before getting spacers?

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I am getting spacers tomorrow, what things can I do that can either ease the pain, or even help the procedure. My Orthodontist told me I need 2 spacers on the top of my mouth. They said I don't need them but it will make the process easier. They told me one spacer will probably fall out the day they put it in because I have space already and the other one will most likely fall out in a day or two. They said that I have enough space in my teeth but spacers will make the braces procedure a little bit easier. Once again, what can I do before this to help ease the pain or just help the procedure?




  1. I had to get eight spacers! You're getting off easy! Just kidding. :)

    When they're actually putting in the spacers it didn't hurt me. The woman talked during it and distracted me. It was over in about a minute. They go in super quick, and if you already have that much space, no big deal at all.

    Afterwards it was rather painful (I had eight, though, remember, and less space between my teeth.)

    For the first 2-3 days I really could not eat anything that wasn't super soft and mushy because I couldn't chew at all. Your mouth just feels sore. Take a pain killer before you go in so it starts working immediately afterwards, and just keep eating mushy soft foods. You'll feel better fast I'm sure if they aren't even going to last 3 days. :) It'll be fine, I promise.

  2. okay, so hey do get sore. but al u have to do is eat soft foods and take a tylenol when you start too feel the pain, which won't be right away

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