
What things should I pack with my daughter when she visits the other parent?

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My 3 year old goes on 8 hour day visits with her father I usually don't pack anything but toys, but now I notice my daughter comming back hungry.

Should I pack more than toys?

I don't like to pack clothing or anything because it either gets lost or doesn't come back.

I never pack snacks or food becuase I think gee, her father should be able to feed her whatever she wants once out of the whole d**n month. But seeing her comming back hungry I think I might have to pack snacks and lunch.

I am going to do this for the sake of my baby but, Should I have to do this? I mean shouldn't the father be able to provide for his daughter when she is in his ccare for 8 hours?




  1. you should pack like a banna or some apple sauce.

  2. i am in this situation...and he should bring her back full bellied and happy...

    even if she comes back dirty she should be bathed also.

    You need to tell him whats up and let him know that she needs to be fed by you bc you shouldnt have to when she gets home.

    I made my daughters father go buy her clothes for when she is over there...he should have everything he needs for her in that 8 hour period you should NOT have to pack anything

  3. I totally agree that he should be able to do at least that! But apparently he isn't so it's up to you. I would just make sure she eats before she goes. Maybe send of those Gerber meals that are nutritious and all he has to do is microwave them. So maybe that will make it a little more likely he'll fix them for her. I would also confront him about the situation.

    When my son who is 2 goes to his grandmothers house, i usually still pack some of his favorite snacks even though she feeds him and usually has most of it. A few toys, a change of clothes- just in case you never know what's going to go on! His blankie and sippy cup. If she doesn't go there much just make sure to give her stuff she familiar with to have with her.

    Hope I helped! Hope the situation improves for ya.

  4. I believe it would be good if your baby has her personal stuff on the fathers house like tooth brush, and tooth paste for her age, and some clothes in case anything happens.

    but about the food i think you should talk with the father and explain about this, men are very clueless, maybe he dont even notice shes hungry because he didnt ask... and the baby doesnt feel free to express she its hungry, as she its so young.

  5. If you are gettnig childsupport i would recommend 1 outfit for change of clothes and a healthy snack incase they are going to the park during their visit.  My boyfriends kids come over with clothes and thats it but he keeps them overnight too.  For 8 hrs though your right he is responsible for providing food during those 8 hrs.  If it is morning time then you could feed her breakfast but then he should be doing lunch and supper (if returning her after 5 pm) before bringing her home but most kids like a snack around 7-8 pm.  Sometimes they also won't eat what they are offered so that may be the case with your daughter.  If he does offer her food and she refuses what he offers then atleast he offered.

  6. when she is with her father, he is supposed to provide for her and he should be feeding her. instead of just giving in and packing her something, you need to talk with him about this. tell him your concern with her coming home hungry and ask what he feeds her. also make sure to specify that she needs and actual mean and not just candy or junk as most fathers tend to think is good enough cuz it makes the kid happy. and if it contiues to be a problem tell him she wont be able to go with him if he cant care for her properly.

  7. I am going through the same thing when I send my 2 girls age 6 and 9 to go see their dad every other weekend.  I never send anything with the kids when they go over there, because he has clothes there for them.  I insisted on this because they would wear nice clothes over there and I never got them back.  Now I just ask that they wear home what they were sent in.  They can bring a toy if they want, but if they leave it there, they have to wait til next time to get it back.  As far as the food thing, my ex has done that (sent them home hungry).  He doesn't do it anymore because now he lives with his mom and she makes sure they're fed.  But if he kept not feeding them, then I would not send them over there anymore because then it would be obvious that he isn't capable of caring for them.  I think that if your ex isn't capable of making sure his kid is fed for just 8 hours, then he isn't being a fit parent and maybe you shouldn't allow him to have visitation as often or at all.  Then he'd have to take you to court if he wanted to fight it.  Make sure you document dates and times of all the times he does things like that, in case you do ever end up going to court over it.

  8. talk to the dad and ask him if he is feeding your baby and if not ask him to feed her. if she still comes home hungry then start packing her snacks. guys are stupid sometimes they dont even think that kids get hungry. they just dont pay attention so just confront him about it. i dont really know many three yr olds so i dont kno wut they eat but i guess send some goldfish, grapes, carrot sticks, fruit snacks just little things ur daughter likes.

  9. Ok, an 8 hr day visit....right?  Of course a 3yr old is going to be hungry at the end of the day....that is dinner time!   If she wasn't getting fed all day, you can be sure the dad would be complaining about the whining, crying, etc., that accompanies her not being fed.   Before jumping to conclusions, watch, ask and be aware of what is going on.

  10. i would suggest packing a little snack for her. something that wont go bad and will last through the day. the father should provide and when you drop her off mention that .

  11. i wouldn't let her go.

    if she went with my ex wife, i'd be lucky to get her back alive

  12. my parents are divorced and i go to my dad's every other weekend however i am not three so i can feed myself. if her father isn't feeding her OF COURSE YOU SHOULD SEND SNACKS! i know if i was three i would not want to go and not eat all day.

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