
What things should i put in my encloser for my new baby eastern water dragons i have got three!!! 10 POINTS?

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i dont know what to put in there cage and what eqitment to make there home better these thing i would like to know

what -soil what kind soil etr-dirt, stones, leafs

how big should it water bowl be?

should i have a waterfall for them in the cage?

should i put real plants or fake ones?

and other stuff i should know

its important i just got them yesterday!!!

plz help u dont have to ansewer all of them u can just answer one




  1. Put eco earth as the bedding.

    Use a large waterbowel a waterfall would add humidity. fake plants would be easier but real would add humidity get some logs from the store because they love to climb

  2. when i had my water dragons we had a mix of live and fake plants, we also put in a few branches as they liked to climb, yes to the water fall we had one that went in to a small pond area they loved it, for the substrate we used bed a beast in one area and reptile bark in another, make the pen good to look at but they do like a few secluded areas to hide in, as long as they have room to run in water to soak in and a place to hide in when feeling threatened they are usually OK, just try and make it look natural, and remember to change the live plants as the water dragons can shred the leaves, we had a dragon tree in ours and they loved that

  3. the dirt should be, the stuff that needs water it is like a pound of dirt that expands when mixed with water (cant remeber the name!!)

    The water dish should be really big, cause it is a water dragon, they love the water

    Yes to the waterfall, it gives them the humidity that they need

    Fake plants cause when they try and eat the real ones it could cause them to choke

    What ever you do, If you feed him mealworms cut the heads off, my cousin had a water dragon that the mealworms ate him inside out. So try to stick with crickets and veggies!! Hope this helps.

  4. the water bowl should be big enough for him to fit in for sheds. fake plants are better because they wont die and are alot cheaper. waterfalls are nice but not neccesary. i would use repti bark. have somthing for them to climb on hope i helped

  5. They need very large cages with LOTS of hiding places or else they will rub their noses raw and this can lead to serious health problems.  They need a pool of water large enough to completely submerge in.  The water needs to be kept spotlessly clean!!!  Don't use loose substrate as it will accidentally be ingested and can cause a blockage.  Waterfalls are OK to use.  Fake plants are easier to keep clean...they'll tear the real ones to bits quickly.  Please read Tricia's site for full care info.  Correct heat temps and UVB lighting are extremely critical to good health.  And mealworms are not a good food and by the way, they cannot chew their way through a reptiles stomach...that is an old wives tale!

  6. [ Housing ]

    You will need a very large enclosure to house 3 adults. Just for ONE , they need a space at least 2 x their total length - so  minimum 6 ft long, 3 feet deep and 5 feet high. So obviously to house more you will need more room.

    [ Substrate ]

    Mixture of 2/3 peat soil + 1/3 clean sand with areas of bark. Can also keep on fake Astroturf, or if prefered for ease of cleaning, newspaper.

    [ Branches ]

    Placed on the diagonal for climbing, horizontal for roosting.

    [ Plants ]

    Suggestions for suitable live plants include dragon plants (dracaena), pothos (scindapsus aureus), ficus benjamina trees, monstera deliciosa (philodendron) and staghorn ferns. Plants will need to be replaced as they are shredded by claws or eaten. Otherwise fake plants are fine to use.

    [ Temperature ]

    Day time: 84 - 88 F

    Night : 75 - 80 F

    Basking Area : 90 F

    Don't use any sort of hotrock.

    [ UVB Lighting ]

    UVA and UVB is vital to water dragons, so they need to be provided with a reptile UVB tube. They should be replaced every 6 months or so. This should be on for 10 - 12 hours a day, then allowed darkness for a correct photoperiod.

    [ Water ]

    Must be available at all times, enough for full body immersions. Must be cleaned and disinfected daily. If you find they are diving in from branches and hitting the bottom, provide a deeper pool for them.

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