
What things surprised you about your baby?

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My daughter has never had one case of diaper rash. Me, I wear the wrong kind of deodorant and I break out! I invested in a stockpile of ointments and creams, anticipating that her skin would be as sensitive as mine is, but it seems she has inherited better genes in that department.

I was totally surprised at how MUCH she looks like my husband. Not that it's a bad thing, but she's his spitting image. If you shrank him...they could be twins.

I am always surprised by how much she loves our dog. I don't know what it is about him, or if she's even aware that he's a different species...but nothing makes her giggle like he does. And all he has to do is sit there!

What things surprised you about your baby?




  1. I was surprised that my son looked so much like me and yet has those cute traits that his father does, like his long fingers and cute pointy ears.

    I was surprised he doesn't cry like most babies, loves mornings VERY unlike his parents, and has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

    I was also surprised by how much easier it is being a parent of a baby than I thought it would be. But in all fairness I have a very well behaved baby, He's 6 months and I think he might be saving his "bad" up until he becomes a toddler!

  2. I agree with you and evil step mom too.  So surprised my baby is so good and EASY. I thought being a mom would be far more stressful.  (i only have one though....). I thought my baby would be cute but i am surprised by HOW CUTE she is.  I'm surprised she has greenish grey eyes (my husband and i both have brown). I was surprised she was born so tiny (5 lbs, 8 oz), surprised i couldn't breastfeed, surprised she has a tiny little strawberry birthmark on her cheek, surprised at how i feel so proud when I'm out & about with her, surprised that she has a small appetite and doesn't chow on food (like me!)....many surprises....all great!  

  3. how alert she is for a one-month old! and how she smiles

    and how when my boyfriend her daddy kisses her, she giggles yes gigles at one month and blushes! so cute!

  4. I have to say that my daughter never had diaper rash either!! Since in the hospital they told us to put vaseline on at every change and I'm sure we could've stopped doing that but we haven't and I wonder if that's why she hasn't gotten any rashes. We have 6 cats. She sees them but doesn't seem too interested in them yet. What surprises me is when I make loud obnoxious noises practically right in her face she USUALLY laughs. I thought she would cry at something like that.

  5. My baby surprised me the first moment I saw her with a head FULL of jet black hair. It is so cute and surprisingly enough, at four months she still has all of it plus some....She gets a cute little mohawk on an every day basis.

    Another thing is how big she smiles, I know babies smile, but this kid seriously can grin from ear to ear and it makes everybody laugh. She is also such a mommas girl, I thought with her being a girl she would just lllllove her daddy, but she's my little sidekick.

    Babies are just so full of surprises, huh?

  6. how fast they hit milestones!!! one is achieved and another just pops up!! wow, they grow so fast. she has loved watching yo gabba gabba since 3 months. as soon as it comes on she is all eyes to the tv.  (shes now 6 months)

  7. How incredibly happy she is.  Always laughing and smiling at everything - strangers, our dogs, trees, the sky, even loud noises.  I expected her, I guess, to be moody and cry and not want to go to other people because that's how I am.  But she got her social butterfly personality from my husband - she loves a crowd and being passed from person to person.  :)  (At least, though, at the end of the day, she still just wants her mommy.  :)

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