
What things will you do to honor and relfect upon those that died on 9/11?

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I will light a candle




  1. I will do nothing, because I have moved on in my life

  2. Prey for their families to help them keep living with their loss

  3. I will celebrate Mass and pray for the repose of the souls of two people I knew who were on the plane which hit the Pentagon.

  4. I'll spend a few moments reflecting on why bush invaded Iraq instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan and killing OBL.

  5. Pray for the souls of the lost and their families. Then pray that our heavenly father smite the EVIL RELIGION that made 9/11 possible! Mo-hammed was a chump, and his followers are all terrorists. Some Islamists are just better at hiding their feelings towards non-believers than others. Quran

  6. There is a lot of talk about a general protest against going to school on the 11th. I don't think I'll participate in that though. Sitting home will do nothing to honor the people lost. Lighting a candle is a good idea as well, a flickering reminder of a grim day in history. I think the best thing to do is move forward however. I know it was a terrible loss, and I can't beleive it has almost been 6 years, but we can't live in the past. If we don't look forward this could happen again. my biggest concern is why haven't we gone after the man who caused all of this destruction? Why is Osama still out there, safe in Afghanistan? The memory of those lost will be so much more stronger if someone is brought to justice over it.

  7. I'm a British 'Senior Citizen' [Pensioner] who still feels the horror of that day and how I felt for all those who perished, and their families on that unforgettable day.  In my home in the U.K in three day's time I will think of them again and wish that the USA had more than a two party system, only then can we truly call the United States a 'Democracy,' and maybe have leaders more interested in 'World Peace' than domestic comfort.  I think that the greatest honour anyone can wish for the fallen, is that their death's is the prelude to peace. This is my tribute!

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