
What things you can buy through the internet in Saudi..?

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What do you think of the future of e-commerce in Saudi.




  1. ......there's a lot I guess but haven't tried for myself....

  2. If you mean Saudi products online, not much.

    Many guys here who tried using their Saudi VISA to purchase things online like electronics and they couldn't because their VISA is issued here in KSA.

    Also, PayPal will deny your VISA if it is issued in Saudi Arabia.

    Future of e-commerce, there isn't any because we need the basics first.

    I mean most people right now in Saudi Arabia still use cash.  Another problem is how address system is implemented.  Our address system is different than the US, where you have city, zip, address name, and house number.  Even FedEX, DHL most of the times don't deliever to your house.  They just call you and tell you to come pick it up.

  3. you can do anything you want.. either illegaly or legally.

  4. You can purchase anything through the internet that is normally allowed... Cause anything shipped will be subject to scrutiny by the officals.. So no shipped pork products, no drugs, alcohol, no pornography, no political propaganda, stuff like this cannot be shipped here...

  5. you can buy everything but the problem is with the shipping time and cost

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