
What think you of a 'Bourbon Street' poem?

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Trapeze girl of the

Stripper joint

Swinging out the window.

Tourists enticing!

$20s tucked everywhere.

$100 bill or three...

Little girl, little girl,

Do you remember me...

Merry-go-round at


Hide and Seek at noon.

Costumes and boas

Left behind at dawn...

She wakes her little


Packs a little memory...

Crunchy peanut butter

And thick, grape jelly.....




  1. Bourbon.....bourbon.....

    We get that at Hooters.....

    But I prefer Corn Whiskey...

    Kinda Makes the chicks Friskeee...

    Why did the chicken cross the basketball court ?

    He heard the referee calling fowls

    Why did the turkey cross the road ?

    To prove he wasn't chicken

    Why did the chicken cross the road, roll in the mud and cross the road again ?

    Because he was a dirty double-crosser  

    Why didn't the chicken skeleton cross the road ?

    Because he didn't have enough guts  

    Why did the chicken cross the playground ?

    To get to the other slide

    Why did the dinosaur cross the road ?

    Because chickens hadn't evolved yet

    Why did the turtle cross the road ?

    To get to the shell station

    Why did the horse cross the road ?

    Because the chicken needed a day off

    How can you say rabbit without using the letter R?


    What's green and dangerous ?

    A caterpillar with a machine gun !

    Need more Corn Whiskey in maaaa Koffee !!!

    See Ya Later......♥♥

  2. I really like it! It makes me a little sad though. The sweet innocence of childhood slips away before we know it, and then some girls gotta do what they gotta do to get by.

  3. Very nice.

  4. I love poetry like this. Its wonderful. I think little ones would enjoy it. You should write your own poetry books for children.

  5. Very Good...!!

  6. I guess I seen it all now.  A children's poem about a stripper.  Oh, well, I liked it, I guess the kidlets will too.

  7. It's got

    swing, bling,

    walk, talk,

    cash, dash,

    food, mood,

    play, day,

    strips, quips,

    kids, bids,

    voyeurs, enjoyers,

    pretend, spend.

    Beginning and end.

    A neat, street feat!

    Something for everyone!

    I'll take mine on the rocks if you don't mind....

  8. You said I didn't have to think.

  9. I wish I could write poetry!  Incredible!  For some reason, my friends and I stopped into a strip club when we were in New Orleans.  I wondered what the dancer's story was.  

    Thanks for sharing.

  10. This poem had a great twist, and funny too, thought maybe there was a moral behind the poem something like this:

    When sharing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches , make sure there's not a boa laying across the back of the chair! There might be more ,to that boa, than meets the eye! Fun Poem Cheers !!!

  11. When you write the children's book, don't in clude this poem,

    I wonder at people at times.

    But the poem is good I like the twist, peanut butter and jelly

    a classic.

  12. Doing what you gotta do in the Big Easy...keep off the welfare rolls,  don't apologize, ladies of Bourbon St.  You are making

    lots more than at Popeye's.

  13. So...............

    that's where you been hanging out.....

    I was wondering where you keep going....

    The Poetic Stripper !!!

    Have another coffee....

    Good Morning ♥♥

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