
What think you of a 'Morning Unknown'?

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Mary had a little lamb

On Wednesday...

Wednesday was traded

For today...

It being Saturday, with

Aspirations on being


Which made Thursday

Jealous, and it took

Tuesday's job...

Got laid off, and

Sunday came to it's

Rescue...but, much

Too quiet for Sunday...

Got it's walking papers.

Monday sent Thursday

To a half-way house

And all is peaceful


Good Morning! Good Morning!





  1. No wonder I never know what day it is! Good Morning (whichever morning it might be) to you!!

  2. nice    punktation    wht punktation   eye dun nead no punktation

    n eyes cun speel jes fine

    gud mournins

  3. that's very lame...

  4. Yahoo! had and emergency amendectomy?

  5. Mornin back to you and the rooster!  I agree, little punk chick is driving me into a corner...get that green nose out of my way!!!!

  6. when ever in need of understanding a Good Morning about what day it is you will find it in this pome

  7. Sunday's on the phone with Monday

    And Tuesday's on the phone with me

    Oh, Yeah

    Good Morning!

    Afternoon actually.

    It was a fun little ditty,

    now Who's On First?  

  8. Daymon on daytues?

    all you says is trues?

    If so, I'm  confused

    I need  some daysun!

    Funny.  GM to you.

  9. I believe it's a good Thursday morning, since Thursday took Tuesday's job.

    Good morning to you..

    How do you do?

    Coffee is made...

    May I share with you?

    : )

  10. This poem is fun! The irony is, some days It seems like I've live a full day only to glance at the clock and find it's not even 9:00 AM. While other days it's a race against the clock.

    Very original.  

  11. So....what day is it exactly?

    Oh, never mind, good morning!  

  12. (dare I point to - it's! - its)

    d**n it's told me I've too much punctuation and I've only written 5 truly is discrimination against perfectly innocent commas, hyphens and brackets.

    You're deliberately trying to confuse us all aren't you?  It's definitely Wednesday to-day...or is it?  Crikey I forgot what month it was the other day whilst filling in a form at the dentist - I was convinced it was June.  It's no good me remembering that it is July, since it isn't. So, there is no hope for me in regard to which day it is.

    Good afternoon

  13. Elys.. That is genuine, unless U borrowed the grounds from an approach of counting time, which states that in every 24 hours of each day there is an hour for each of the remaining (six) days of the week!Its genuine , for we can feel the present as well as the future in the same time !

    Crazy ? maybe, but then what else would we describe DIFFERENT intuition of time.GM

  14. ma va cacaci u cazzu pezzu ri giapponesino suca!!!!

  15. Ya....liquid corn will do that...if you don't lose a day or two it'll jumble all the days of the week up.

    Just the right amount tho'

    Will let your poetry flow...

    as it gently slides down your throat...

    the words will gently, smoothly come out.

    You should see the fog...

    You can't even see the other side of the street.

    And I thought LA was bad......

    Anyway I got jetlag...

    Nite for me Good Morning to you

    I like the peaceful part...that's what I need..


  16. Whew sure am glad I read this in the evening( had an early morning appointment, no time for pc early in the am)

    Anyway if I had to decipher all of this in the morning (especially without a cup of Java) I don't think I could of handled it Might have had to put it off till  Wednesday, well atleast I could have met Mary's Little Lamb belated one day before Tuesday LOL  

    PS After that maybe I do need another cup of coffee, of course it is now evening and not morning, what is a woman to do between the lambs and the morning coffee missed? Cheers!!

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