
What think you of a Cleopatra Morning?

by  |  earlier

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Get outta bed

Ya lazy bum!

Grind dem beans,

Make dat coffee!

Wife, I see yo buttt

Is still parked

Under deese covers!

Your excuse?

Husband, I'm keeping

'Em warm for you...

If you bring back coffee

When you return....hmmmph!

Well, guess what, Sheba?

Cleopatra can wave as I

Head off to

Shoney's! And


But, I'll bring you

Some, my lovey, dove

Of a Good Morning!

So, Good Morning! Good Morning!





  1. Good morning! It's good to see your questions again.

    I have nobody! LOL

    I made my own coffee and even managed to get my own.  : )

  2. No moanin or complainin from where I sit. Your mind is Roman all over the place El Pomeistress. Ah Elizabeth Taylor in her prime! An immediate mental picture. Regal splendour. Thank you for the departure from the (dare I say it?).....norm (or should I say morn? should I say ANYTHING no ok I'll pipe down now).

  3. This is bloody fantastic! You have a rare talent. Oh my, this is just so evocative!

  4. Well!  Good Morning to you, Cleo, and anyone else who may be there in LA.  And what?  No coffee pot at home?

  5. Good morning

  6. Good morning! Good afternoon!

    It's almost 3pm...just got home and playing catch up!

  7. It just turned 12:00 here but in LA it is still morning for you so I can still say....Good morning to you!

  8. mauwnin babe.

  9. has a familiar ring!

  10. My g/f is my Cleo, but she is not grumpy like me. And she makes me my morning cup of cheer.

    And a very good morning to you.

  11. Good Morning, Elysabeth.  I dreamed that I met you in person last night.  Strange how I just remembered that.  Anyhow, cute poem and a merry good morning.

  12. Goodmorningee /afternoonee cool poem, poor fella. Us men dont want much in life you know.

  13. I, who awake each morn with only dog to greet, believe that man was meant to brew coffee first, or is it perhaps because Cleo feigns sleep or has trained me well?  Good morning to your buns!

  14. Good Morning.

    I'm on my way to Tim Hortons for coffee.

    Seems Snidely forgot to pick some up and what was left the elves drank.

    Greedy Lil Beasties...lo!!!


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