
What think you of a Mosquito Morning?

by  |  earlier

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And, now, Ladies

And Gentlemen...

Waldo Emerson


Makes his first ever


Oh, still buzzin?

Still bitin? Okay...

Here's a cup of

Loosiana sludge fer

You, ya blasted biter!

Blackern h**l, and

Thickern molasses...

Caffeine fer ya buttt'll

Put you out of action...

Be buzzin, alright!

Oooopppsss! Drank too

Much, did ya...hehehehe


Too fast to pick a target!

There's skin an

Uppity Mosquito!

Slap!....flamethrower needed here!

Good Mosquitoless Morning!





  1. How about a mosquito net until you at least get your first cup down!  lol  Funny as usual.  GM to you.

  2. I haven't had a problem with mosquitoes as much this year as other years...but the flies!! The flies are horrible! I have about 25 in my house, I had to get those sticky things to hang around because they are so pesty!

    I seem to be catching these in the afternoon lately. So...good afternoon to you now!

  3. I think I have cleared my desk of everything except Deka 3.

  4. If you could only be in England

    Now that July's here,

    You could sit out in the garden

    In the sunshine - with a beer.

    Except when it is raining

    (It does that quite a lot)

    But, I can assure you of one thing

    Of mosquitos we have no glut.

    No flies,  no wasps, no hornets

    No hustlers of any kind

    Just harmless teeny midges

    With no sting in their behind.

    So them I do not mind.

    Was there an invite to coffee hidden in there somewhere or only for mozzies? - I'm on my way....I should arrive about Monday week.

  5. Ok free association coming up....... Robert Redford 'The Sting" and "The Great Waldo Pepper" flyboy and barnstormer. You been watchin too much Turner Classic Channel Elys!

    Are the Louisiana Lancers the local Archery Team?

    Watch out for my LA area....say it slowly!

    Goodly bite free, but not frost-free, mornin from the Mos-less home of Jellz. Time check 6.23am in "Sleepy Hullo"

  6. Good morning (afternoon)!

    My new cologne is Deep Woods OFF! They are TERRIBLE around here!

  7. Cup of Cafe Du Monde as insecticide , why didn't I ever think of that?  And maunin' to you, cher!

  8. Not many mosquitoes here on the coast. Swat them good. And Good Morning to you!!

  9. Sorry but have been gone a few days, so Good Morning.

    If there are any blood sucking mosquito's around I say,"Good Morning to ya too."

  10. Ummm, Waldo is hiding her (yes) true identity under the guise of a male...only females suck blood.  Males are probably back home, watching TV.

  11. I dunno about caffeine in a skeeter. He may just stay hopped up all day biting. Good Morning

  12. So..

    where's Waldo?

    The Wally!

  13. Having a holster with a swatter ever-ready is handy and useful.  Yahoo is a bit ditsy.  I found your good morning this afternoon!

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