
What think you of a night poem?

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I will sleep now.

Let petals fall

Beyond Infinity.

Timelessness will

Become prettier.

Sleep through the

Eight-Fold Path

Evolving into


Mirrored Hall...

Dancing rose

Petals welcoming

The sleeping to wake,

To dance with

An 'old-spirit'

Of roses.




  1. Yawn

  2. "There are so many paths up a mountain, nobody knows all the ways, but the view from the top is still the same." LRB

    Thank you petal, that was a lovely nigthtime waltz through the garden.

  3. Was someone looking for me...........

    Chicken? What's all this talk about chicken? Why, I had an uncle who thought he was a chicken. My aunt almost divorced him, but we needed the eggs.

    Q. Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

    A. Neither, The Rooster.

    Q: Why did the rooster cross the road ?

    A: To cockadoodle dooo something

    ARIES (March 21 to April 19):

    Chickens born under the sign of Aries are natural leaders possessing a pioneering determined spirit, who wish to make their mark on the world. They cross the road to assert themselves and seek action, daring and adventure.

    Q. What Is A Haunted Chicken?

    A. A Poultry-Geist.

    Q. Why Did The Blonde Bake A Chicken For 3 And A Half Days?

    A. It Said Cook It For Half An Hour Per Pound, And She Weighed 125.

    And finally:

    A chicken and an egg are lying in bed.

    The chicken is leaning against the headboard smoking a cigarette, with a satisfied smile on its face.

    The egg, clearly angry, grabs the sheet, rolls over, and says,

    "Well, I guess we finally answered THAT question."

    Ha ha better sleep tonite Elys...I'l be up early to wake you up...

    I might be a bit groggy in the morning...Squiggly and I are off to Hooters.....Chick Watchin ya know....

    Let the FUN begin........

    Sleep softly sweet Elysabeth on petals of roses

    See Ya Tomorrow ♥♥

    Errrr Errr errr Ooeeeeewwww

  4. You seem to care to much about looks and hope that after going asleep one day you will become prettier. No is truly ugly and will such a thing really mater after death? No.

  5. May your sleep be (may it have been) a restful one. I have been dancing all day, stepping on my own toes half the time. Now it is time for me to cuddle with Morpheus.

  6. Interesting...a beautiful death and rebirth.  I like the funereal of the roses' petals falling and at the end the vibrance of dancing.  I usually think of animals in buddist rebirth...but I love the roses here.

  7. I like it, but I am hesitant to post and answer.  I posted a question an hour ago, but there is nothing showing less than 2 hours old.  I don't know if mt answer will ever get there.

    Time Warp? or just warped time?, or is it that I have entered....................................

    The twilight zone......

    dee dee dee deee

  8. Sleeping or rebirth?  Night carries much meaning, rose petals also.  Not bad for someone who does not know how to write poetry!  lol  My compliments.

  9. Kudos, with the last rose of summer for your pocket or locket.

  10. I do not like it becuse

    1- It has like no ryming every poem need a bit of ryming

    2- It kepts going from one thing to another and it get people very confused

  11. are you read the patti smith lyrics? that's you're style!!! very good! I like it!!!

    К∑∑P ЯסCКİŅ' !!!

    *•*♪*•*CЯסωL∑Ҹ ЯסCК∑Я ŞסCİ∑†Ҹ*•*♪*•*

  12. I don't like it.

  13. Oh no, I caught the Buddhist part right off. I absolutely love the images you can bring to your poems. I know i don't say much when I answer, but I don't care about meter or rhyme. Just if I like it or not. And I like.

  14. i like free verse and soft flowers.

    how better to show anything?

    cant think of anything.

  15. good night said the rose

    to travelers on the road

    to dreams that come true

    good night said the seaman

    with a wish from the heart

    for a happy new morning

    yet to come

    with lots of  butterflies to dance with you

  16. Sleep sleep, dream dream, tomorrow brings, many things.

  17. very good

  18. Sufi o'mine... !   great, lovely comforting. soft, warm  quiet  count rose petals not sheep.. sheep don't smell as sweet!

  19. Did you write that? Its terrific! Some poems I can't read through them because I become bored and it doesn't interest me but with this one I could right through it.

  20. AAA




  21. sweetness,beautiful

  22. I think its very beautiful! nice use of words and it's easy to read. Love it!

  23. a perfect "OM" of a poem.  Namaste, and sweet dreams.

  24. good night sweet lady. let the dreams flow threw you like a feather in the breeze

  25. It´s too interesting.

    Look nice your words. I promise you.

    I from Mexico City, but I comming here to take a look who do everybody write here. But is too diferent to the version of Latin America.

    Saludos a los estadounidenses de alguien DeMENTE.

  26. This poem is an ode to dreams. Thank you for this piece, it's extravagant!

  27. falling quick

    fumble threw the stick garden.

    pricks of concuss theology.

    the madness of the inward biology.

    twisted flocks

    subconscious shocks.

    low rider.

    callused knuckle clenched.

    gear shift stretched.

    the visions fly by.

    but Bern threw the dirt as they die.

    rebirth of self.

    that is yet to see.

    a splatter of who we look back and long to free.

    dance and flow in the currant.

    blink .

    smash, turbulent ascent.

    Miltie layer

    becoming the self slayer.

    peal the funyon.

    and Spackle self hypocrisy.

    eating your self to live

  28. Yes I like it ,,,,I wish I could Sleep through anything ,,,,,,Just sleep would be nice!!!

    I think it's wonderful!!,,,,Me thinks

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