
What think you of a "Medley Good Morning?"?

by  |  earlier

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"Was the dark of the moon,

On the 6th of June

And a Kentworth hauling logs...

We gonna keep this Convoy

Heading to the weekend...

Be a'streakin...uh, wait a sec...

Forget that last line...

Santa can't bring me what

I need, cause all I want

For Christmas

Uh, in your Easter bonnet...

With gimlets all upon it...

Nothing sacred in a pome!!!

Got thru last night, thinkin

Of home...down the Yellow

Brick Friday!! Good gawd, ya'll!

What is it good for...? Absolutely


I heard him exclaim as he staggered

Out of sight...'Helluva great Friday!!!

Now, make a mindblowing night'"

Good Morning! Good Morning!

All ya'llses!!!




  1. All I want is some more coffee, but first good morning to you and thanks for putting a smile on this lid!

  2. I'm late with good morning. I was busy filling up your inbox.

    Hope you are feeling, back to work...

  3. I'll let ya know how good the morn is when I come back from the doc.

    Good Morning

  4. I certainly note the vivid colors in the Etruscan where is my coffee.  Mawning backatcha.

    (Swatting ckickie.)

  5. I don't know what an Etruscan Pentameter is, but I still enjoyed your medley.  Time for more java.  Good morning to you.

  6. Good Morning ?  Is dat what I understood ?  Good Morning ?

    It's a raining,

    It's a pouring,

    A full day off,

    I'm no longer snoring ?


    Foiled yet again.

    Okay, okay, It's a GREAAAAT morning according to Tony the Tiger,,, really, who could ask for more ?  now,,, where oh where did I set my coffee,,,

  7. Medley Scmedley

    On my way to bedley

    Bass Ackwards

    Fast track towards

    Highway 308

    Don't wanna be late

    Cause I hear there's a party

    Lawdy Lawdy where the h**l

    Did 40 go on my keister

    What you said,Easter???

    Si I said Meester

    Well I ain't gonna lie day

    It's a Saints gonna Friday


    You like my new hair doo???

  8. Good Morning-Good afternoon -Good Bing !!!

    Aha Yes ,,,,It's been a Fan-d**n-mastic Friday!!!,,A little late for morn-,,,,,71 poems tomorrow?? WoW,,,,

    Good Luck,,,Enjoyed the..E  P & have a nice night..

  9. Hope I make it to the night.

    As to you, Good Morning on this cloudy NY Friday.

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