
What think you of a serious Sunday poem?

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Sunlight fogging through

Sleepy trees eyelashed with


Noises. Dogs shuffling

Empty bowls...a


Playpens. No rattling,

Crying. Thumbs in mouths.


Soft lashes brush

Lower lids. Mothers tiptoe






  1. A mom's responsibilites on a Sunday morn.  I love the simplicity and yet it says so much.

  2. Seriously suggestive!

    There's no place like poem

    There's no place like poem

    There's no place like poem

  3. Very beautiful images. Sunday is almost over now, but glad I caught this while it was still open. I was away all weekend, have a lot of catching up to do!

  4. makes me long for my next Sunday off...thanks for a brilliant portrait of the Day.

  5. That fully took me there, wow.

    I thought a picture was worth a thousand words, that was a short film.

    Thank you, love it :)

  6. it is an easy sunday

  7. That's lovely! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Quite verbose, don't you think!  lol  A lot to learn from one that can use few words to paint great scenes. I especially liked the eyelashed dew and then coming back to eyelashes of the mother.  Well said, as always!

  9. Oncore!

  10. It is a good morning, except for all the work piles growing...

  11. Shhhhhh........I'm huntin' wabbit !!!,,,,I remember those days of tip toeing around in the early morning hours ==Adult Quiet Thyme==

    Coffee Rhyme ===Me thinks We like

  12. A perfect picture of a perfect Sunday morning.

    ssssshhhhhhh, don't wake the babies.....

  13. And coffee.  Please say coffee!  Beautiful window!

  14. I seriously believe this is a superb poem. I can hear the soft sounds, see the images. It is a gift on a dreary and sad Sunday morning.

  15. Sleepy trees eyelashed with dew. I love that image. And if it weren't for the kid's alarm going off, it would be a quiet morn. Good Morning.

  16. It has been a long time since I experienced one of those. Thank you for returning me to  those Sunday mornings.. when life was new!

  17. ohhh what a wonderful day Sunday is.

    thank you for sharing.

  18. Very Nice...!!

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