
What think you of a sonnet in meter only?

by Guest34314  |  earlier

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Tinseled drops slant eastward, towards the Sun,

Bending leaves with soft, aromatic rain.

Dawn approaches in light, yellow flaming...

Leisurely deciding what robe to wear

Later...when heat usurps the tender day.

Dawn's Eye rejects blue, shuns haze. Decision's

A dark side of Nature. Thunderous side.

Come noon! Come evening! Lightning tridents

Spear rainbows, impale them as 'needed' for

Our senses. Our need of beauty in the storm.

In the gentle evening, rainbows show

The way home, the paths we should have taken.

Fear not, traveler! In the midst of storms

Ever shines the Light of courage and hearth.




  1. it seams like a guided meditation

    brings me out of these three walls

    and back into life wear it all began.

    wear it should be.

    its a tastey refresher from the gray Storm clouds thanks

  2. nice, but i have a different opinion from the others, i try to take my evaluations on a different system than others.

  3. Elyslund,

    You tread where no mere mortals exist! There is one thing I have to say... Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds! Your work is like a pop up storybook with vivid details and colors and I can't wait until the screenplay is written. Even Steven Spielberg would say "ISHKABIBEL! I need at least four years just to put the special effects together!" ROFLOL!!

  4. Sonnet, so nice, so rhythmic, so good, so far.

    So you!

  5. This is so exquisite.  Each line, each word is precise and beautiful. Thank you.

  6. That was beautiful

  7. Kewl

  8. Yes, Light of courage and hearth overcomes any fear in the

    stormiest  of storms.

    Thank you for a wonderful poem.

  9. This poem is a work of genius. Once again, I am itching to explicate it, but this is not the place...

  10. Ah...and I was so hoping for rhyme!  lol.  A wonderful sonnet with great images.  My compliments.

  11. It is too bad that the only way you can have rainbows is as the aftermath of a storm, sort of like having to accept the bad in order to know good...

  12. This is a good one...a keeper...the beginning of something good.

    Good to see you back

    ...on track. chickens, coffee or elves tho"....

  13. What do I think, no words to express this great poem.You constantly amaze me.You are in a league all your own.

  14. Fear not, Editor, I am sailing in your direction.

  15. A perfect description of Southern summer days.  Thanks.

  16. I like a lot of this.

    I love tinseled drops.

    and I love the line:

    Our senses. Our need of beauty in the storm.

    Some nice lines and phrasing in this piece.

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