
What think you of "Knowing Answers...No Telling"?

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Speaking in mist,

Liquid sky on my

Tongue, lips...

Hush words,

Till I swallow Space,

Become unknown



Return to the meadow,

Know Time as a

Child's questions....

Know the answers

I am not allowed

To speak...

Heavier mist envelops,

Cloaks...I look to

The sky.


No one is there

To ask





  1. This is as close a description to feeling so part of the Creator it is impossible to tell where you end and the  Creator begins.

    A mystic's experience, "the two shall become one."

  2. Many times I look up into sky and wonder what the clouds forming will bring.  As it begins to get misty, forming dark clouds I hear thunder, see lighning then it's all liguid sky.  Then I ask "why"...why rain when I and the dog are a mile from the car in this muddy meadow.  Why.,why..why...

    Good description of my day.  Can't change it so like you say...


  3. My inner child still stands in the mist asking why.

  4. This is really nice.

    I especially like the first three strophes. The first flows extremely well. I love the content of the second. I also like the progression from S3 L2 to L3.

    Great write!

  5. Your poems "walk in beauty." They do what real poems are supposed to do--leave something to the reader's imagination, something for the reader to reflect upon.

    I keep saying this and nobody listens! And still they answer the question and not the POEM.

  6. Very deep mystical thought - to "swallow Space". It seems that all knowledge is contained within and timeless.  Once the answers are known - the knowledge (words) to express these thoughts - is not given. As if a conspiracy - that all must find their own "way" - without outside assistance and/or intervention.  "No one" will be in the sky to ask why - for now - the knowledge resides within. ♥

  7. "What happens in the mist stays in the mist."

    Beautiful and timeless.

    Perhaps there is a wisdom born in childhood, to spend time in the wonders around us. Time passes to quickly, before we remember what we forgot.  

  8. Very mist-erious. Good thing for Snidely the hurricane is going to Texas. Nothing's worse than a cranky, wet rooster.   :)

  9. Bartenders motto: Hear everything, remember nothing.

    Your poem I like.

  10. If U R looking 4 somebody to ask why , then here I'm. That is my favorite Q.If U R asking I 'v got the answer.take Ur pick. Lovely as usual.  

  11. I'm reminded of being a child

    in the open fields,

    looking up to the sky as the person above me spoke of

    thinking of those things that make me feel as small as a grain of sand on the beach.

    The endless eternity of it.

    lost in the waves of time.

    But I must get up and again walk blind in the Summer tide.

  12. This is very seems to hint at reincarnation, when some-one is wise and knowing, but is not allowed to reveal the secrets of the universe....and (maybe) that God does not exist.  But, I shall never know since I'm sure you will not reveal the poems true meaning.

  13. Well  when you look through the eyes of the supreme being you pretty much get what you described... loved the poem

  14. How about this answer unless I have the wrong interpretation of what  has been expressed!

    First of all I truly loved how I did interpret this right or wrong to my understanding!

    Seems to me an entity of sort maybe before we were born were as of the stars of the galaxy, where truth of knowledge was known,then our spirit ventured to earth  and we are in a childlike state but truth hasn't revealed it self, but the knowingness has!  How's that?  Cheers!

  15. Childhood innocence would be take on your words.  The innocence that needs not to question only accept as the answers center around love.  You have "crypted" well, I will have to revisit this again.

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