
What think you of "The Sun Poem"?

by  |  earlier

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Akhnaten, not knowing scripture, there

Being cuneiform versions

And all...Epics, Gilgamesh---that crew,

Plus the chinese Phang Bu's


(Flood---one of a kind, you know)

Just rerouted the Sun to the

Middle of the desert---Amarna---and

Snubbed Ra, Ma'at, and Phat.

Sun was One, Sun was only, and

Sun was Spirit too.

Didn't do too well in that ancient

Of Dynasty...

Archeologists twirl hats and drone.

Then again, Akhnaten was only a


What do pagans know?

But, dying old, looked through

His royal windows, to the

Long shadow of an Ankh

On a far hill...

That cross of the sun...

Closed his eyes to History,

Opened them to Heaven,

Unknown as yet.




  1. "Closed his eyes to History/Opened them to Heaven"--not according to Dante and his followers. But you are right, it is unknown and will be ever thus.

    (And finally, a reference with which I was familiar).

  2. Akhnaten knew the ( absolute) truth that any person could reach if his/her heart mirror is shining clean, and backed w/ (unbiased) intellect. Abraham also reached this truth not knowing any scripture by following such approach ( asking and checking the answers intellectually). Abraham was raised in a pagan society where his (father) was a statues maker, and Akhnaten was raised like wise ( but in a royal family).

    Elys, its a good point to raise, which is hard to deal w/ poetically, but as usual Ur star sparkles! Well put.

  3. Your question has to make since before your poem will.

  4. Yeah, what do pagans know, anyway?

  5. i hope when i go i am able to look at the sun as he did.

  6. Think we must after you bust a post in our heads.

    Thung thied I thit.....

  7. I love how you can take so many ancient cultures and mix them into one poem. But don't go putting down those long ago pagans. After all, they did worship cats. How bad can they be if they worshipped cats


  8. I had to google to catch up on the history lesson to make this come into focus. Was his vision true or false, time to tell a nice ending here.

  9. I know the Egyptians worshipped various deities until settling for one god.As usual the poem is lovely.

  10. huh? You lost me on this one.

  11. I think it's Interesting!!!! It also remains u whats like in the afterlife.

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