
What think you of the Story of Trolls?

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There are ugly *ss

Trolls...with hearts to match,

Spouting rude garbage

In the form of comments.

"We trolls know EVERYTHING

About Poetry...listen to our

Rude postulations(in the form

of comments) and learn from us."

"We have learned," was our reply,

"how to be rude, ugly, obnoxious,

And unwanted. You know NOTHING

Of poetry, so you're O for nothing

On that account. Take heed of YOUR

Teachings? Why? Want to make us

WORSE? NO!!! We'll stay true POETS

In spite of YOU!!!"

The trolls didn't care...they

Reported, reported, reported...

Jealous, stupid, trolls...and,

Kept writing their 'nothing'


Blocked. The End.




  1. Great poem....sad story.  Why people can't just live and let live I'll never understand.  Where I come from people MTOB, particularly where anything artistic is concerned.  Thanks for bringing this situation to those who were yet unaware of it.

  2. This is terrible!!!! Don’t you know that trolls are great people? There is nothing ugly about trolls and they write great poetry too. The only bit you got right was

    ‘We trolls know EVERYTHING

    About Poetry’

    That bit has the ring of truth about it, but not the bit about ‘Spouting rude garbage’. When have you ever heard a troll say anything rude or spout garbage?

    I have never actually met a troll of course, but I know that they write poetry that rhymes and scans!

  3. It is interesting how groups protect themselves from a threat. As a herd of buffalo - circled - rears to the inside - horns facing out.  Each group in YA (in each category) acts the same way. For example, if you say something wrong in R&S - like you do not agree - you get thumbs down in excess. It is amazing - the power of words - to heal a broken heart or start a war. Poets take heed the lessons learned here. ♥

  4. I like trolls. They're good for troll hockey. The way their little heads bounce around when you bat them.

  5. Wow i loved this extremely as you hit everything about them ole nasty little minded troll fer sure...They are the most evil liars and trouble starters i have ever known.In my state we hang them on  telephone poles with honey all over on a hot sticky night' and the next day we let them down...Wishful thinking on my part as 2days would not be long enough for the yapoo trolls,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  6. They're just real nowhere men

    Sittin on their nowhere cans

    Making all their nowhere plans

    For nobody

    They don't have a point of view

    Know not where they're going to

    Aren't they a bit like you and me?

    Nowhere peeps, please listen

    You don't  know

    What you're missing

    The world is at your command.

    They're as blind as they can be

    See just what they want to see

    Silly trolls, can you see me at all?

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