
What this Rank of Possion chargés d'affaires a.i In Embassy?

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What this Rank of Possion chargés d'affaires a.i In Embassy?




  1. In practice, Charge d'affaires need to at least be at a diplomatic rank of First Secretary, and it is true that he or she is left in charge of the Embassy in time that the head of the representatives is missing, in both termporary sense like taking vacation, returning home, in waiting for a substituting head of the delegation.

    However, in a non-temporary sense, in some cases, the sending country does not want to send a higher level of representatives for political or even non-political intention, the position then left vacant and is filled up by the Charge. For example, if a two nations agree to exchange representative at the Ambassador level, but by some circumstances, the relations went sour and that the Ambassador was recalled, the Embassy might be left to be run by a lower ranking diplomat like Minister, or Counselor level, in which cases he or she is called Charge d'Affaires. If the two nations decide to lower the level of relations, the Minister then can act as head of the mission and his Charge name then removed.

  2. There can be more sublte distinctions (see website), but generally, the chargé acts on behalf of the ambassador when he/she is not present.

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