
What this quote means to you!?

by  |  earlier

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god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can, and wisdom to know the difference




  1. it basically means to me tht you should accept what you have got eg. family because you cant change them and that things that can be changed should be changed for the better if things aren't as good as what they could/ should be e.g bad friendships or habbits and after you've done that you will have learnt from it and grown as a person.

  2. Anymore life is all about upgrading...always striving to achieve the next best thing....constantly pursuing that glorified pursuit of happiness, this is about accepting what you have and what is out of your control, learning o love life for what it is...its about not sitting around waiting on the world to change when there is something you don't like and fixing it...some people spend there whole lives wasting time trying to make things go there way when they should just go with the flow...others waste there lives waiting instead of have to find the happy medium.

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