
What thoughts go through your mind when you see a fat sloppy Police Officer?

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What thoughts go through your mind when you see a fat sloppy Police Officer?




  1. haha!! i get a little irked. seriously i think police officers need to maintain their physical condition! and if then don't then they go behind a desk!

  2. 1 he's over paid b/c no police officer should be fat and sloppy.  it just begs for disrespect.  you should respect a cops appearance

    #2 he eats way too many donuts

    #3 i can get away with more b/c there's no way he'll catch me!

  3. I am looking in a mirror.

  4. Two Words Officer Rivieri

  5. I smell bacon, I smell pork, run mother f*****! I gotta fork!

    Then I think that I'm really not surprised when you see all those headlines where a cop was involved in a shooting. How else are those fat cats going to get the bad guy? They sure can't run after them!

  6. WTF did he do to pass the d**n fitness test. That **** is hard. It just goes to show how trustworthy our police department is. If they have enough time to eat enough donuts to gain 100 pounds sense their fitness test than they obviously arent doing what they are supposed to.

  7. i usually think, 'there goes another upstanding member of our society', 'a man i can talk to', 'a man i can trust and rely on'. 'A man that will always serve justice with a cheery smile and a wave'. A man that will go the 'extra mile' to accommodate the public', a man that will save me in my darkest hour.

    i thank the powers that be for the safe feeling that he gives me and the knowledge that the world would be a worse place without his presence and then i sleep soundly that night knowing that i am safe from evil.

    my brother usually just says, 'look at that fat bastrd'

  8. You really do not know what got him that way in the first place.    Maybe it was something really bad that happened in his life that caused him to over eat.   Or maybe he has a health problem.     There is NO reason that you should make fun of someone that is over weight until you hear their story.   A policeman is a human being just like you and you should not think that you are the only one to look good.    So my thoughts are:   "I wonder what is going on in his life for him to be that heavy"?       Don't forget that the police are the first ones we call when we are in trouble.    It may be you next!

  9. wow he still looks better than ted kennedy.

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