
What three items do you toss most often when cleaning your refrigerator?

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Please don't list the box of baking soda, everyone does that.




  1. Milk, eggs, and salad

  2. Eggs.  I don't know why I even buy them.

    Sour cream.  One always gets lost in the back.

    Hot sauce.

  3. Milk,lunch meat,bread...

  4. Salad, carrots, and left overs.

    I always have salad and carrots on my grocery list to have on hand, but we don't eat them that often!

    Edit: One time I cleaned out my mother in law's fridge (she never cleaned her fridge in 7 years!) and I had to toss some pretty moldy cheese, mystery meats (so rotten you can't tell what it is), salsa (con mold!), and opened juice containers that people drank out of and stuck back into the fridge to mulitiply as a bacterial disaster.

  5. Not much because nothing sends me into the red zone faster than wasting food.  I try to make certain that we don't have green monsters growing  by morphing meals and rotating stock so that everything gets used before it goes bad.  That being said, we just don't eat a lot of items that use jelly.  Even when I buy the smallest jar, somehow it gets pushed to the back of the bottom bin on the lowest door shelf and I find it after 3 years looking pretty ugly.

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