
What three specific effects do you think reduced consumption of oil will have on our environment?

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What three specific effects do you think reduced consumption of oil will have on our environment?




  1. Less suicides with hoses and your car.

    Less hoses bought.

    Less plastic used to make a hose.

    Less consumption of oil.

  2. The main result will be increased poverty because all wealth comes from energy, either from muscles of workers or machinery. And poor people care less about the environment than rich people. It is poor people who are clearing land in the Amazon rain forest to make farms to try and feed their poor families that is the main cause of deforestation for example.

  3. oil is fossil fuel, if global use of crude oil falls, CO2 emissions will drop, which will slow the advance of global warming, also smog in cities will be less dense, making the air in cities more breathable, and less oil means less cars on the road, which indicates less need for more roads, parking. etc. which means the open country remains open.

  4. pollution



    lets change it all

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