
What throws did Tae Kwon Do originally have?

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  1. This would incorporated into the higher grades....I mean black belt and above. I think its more of a 2nd and 3rd dan thing. Its not the best thing for throws dude!

  2. I'm really not sure if TKD originally had throws or not, but i do know that sweeps and a few locks were involved.

  3. I do not take TKD and I am not sure how many, but I do know for a fact that traditional TKD does include locks, take downs, annd throws, and not just ones that also teach hapkido.

  4. Tae Kwon Do has no throws, trips, sweeps, wristlocks or chokes.  TKD was invented in 1950 as a modern military martial art.

    It is a pure striking style: Tae Kwon Do = Foot Fist Way.

    On the other hand, Hapikido, Tang Soo Doo, or k*k Sool are Korean mixed martial arts and do have throws, sweeps, chokes, etc.

  5. You are probably thinking about hapkido which is incoporated in many TKD dojhang.

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